The lore implications of 'Pups and the Pirate Treasure'?

Hey gang, anyone else think 'Pups and the Pirate Treasure' set the stage for more mythical adventures in Adventure Bay? That old pirate history has gotta be packed with untold stories. Plus, who's to say there aren't more treasures buried somewhere? I'm betting this isn't the last time we hear about Captain Blackfur's legacy!

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by MarshallFirefighter


Y'ARR! As the ghost of Captain Blackfur, I'm tellin' ye there be plenty of treasures hidden in th' murky depths of Adventure Bay. But ye'll never find me booty, for it be cursed! And those meddlesome pups best not be stickin' their snouts where they don't belong, or they'll be walkin' the plank! Haharrr!!

1 year, 2 months ago by CaptainBlackfursGhost


Arr mateys! Me thinks the Adventure Bay be havin' more secrets than we can shake a pegleg at. It's a trove of tales waitin' to be told. All hands hoay for more high seas adventure! Yarrr! 🏴‍☠️🐾

1 year, 2 months ago by TalkLikeAPirateFan


First time posting here, but couldn't stay silent on this! What if they make a whole series of special episodes that are like a treasure hunt? Each one could reveal a new part of Adventure Bay's history or introduce new pup friends from the past. That'd be intense and really cool to share with my younger cousins!

1 year, 2 months ago by hiddenTreasureHunter


You might be onto something but honestly, as long as it keeps my little one entertained for those 20 minutes, I'm all for more pirate adventures. Those pups are lifesavers!

1 year, 2 months ago by toddlermom252


They definitely opened a door with that episode! Think about it: maps, secret passages, maybe even more pirate ghosts like in 'Pups Save a Ghost Ship'? And consider the guest characters—they could bring back some like Carlos and Tracker for a jungle treasure hunt crossover. There's a ton of potential here to expand the Paw Patrol world. We could even learn more about the pups' past or maybe get more BFF moments between them. Writer's paradise, if you ask me. 🗺️✨

1 year, 2 months ago by legendarylore45


There's a new episode coming out called Pups Save Carlos in the Hidden Ship, where Carlos gets trapped in a pirate ship and can't escape, and can't call for help since he lost his mobile.

1 year, 2 months ago by Whopper1


The continuity with Captain Blackfur's lore is intriguing, especially for long-time fans like us. Insights into Adventure Bay's history enrich the narrative. 'Pups Save Carlos in the Hidden Ship' seems to promise more depth, with references to the pirate era. Lost treasures can lead to a multitude of storylines - hidden maps, rival explorers, even curses. Anticipating how the writers will weave these elements with the PAW Patrol's heroics.

1 year, 2 months ago by TreasureTracker


pirate ship episode, yay! 🏴‍☠️ but like, will there be new pups? or maybe a parrot sidekick? lol!

1 year, 2 months ago by ArrMeMateys


Excited for this one! The lore around Captain Blackfur has lots of potential. 'Pups Save Carlos in the Hidden Ship' could be a hidden gem of an episode. Bringing in elements of danger with Carlos trapped adds a sense of urgency that's great for character development. It'd be cool if they explore more of Blackfur's history, maybe hinting at other treasures or historical figures.

1 year, 2 months ago by CaptainPawprint


Ooh, 'Pups Save Carlos in the Hidden Ship' sounds dope! Poor Carlos tho, getting stuck without his mobile. I always dig when they mix in some old piratey vibes. Makes me wonder if they'll actually find more of Blackfur's treasure or if there's gonna be a ghostly twist!

1 year, 2 months ago by BuccaneerBarker


I'd hold off on betting anything. If I've learned anything from kids' shows, it's that they drop these cool story bits and then...nothing. Sure, it'd be great to dive more into Adventure Bay lore, but let's see if the writers actually follow through. Until then, I'm not holding my breath for Captain Blackfur's grand return.

1 year, 2 months ago by SkeptiCat


Yeah I guess you're right, seems like a setup for more cool stories. Kids probably loved that whole treasure hunt vibe, soo more of that would be cool.

1 year, 2 months ago by adventurebaywatcher


Oh absolutely! The lore in 'Pups and the Pirate Treasure' was juicyyy 🏴‍☠️ There's no way the writers introduced Captain Blackfur without planning on expanding on that. They've laid a gold mine for backstories & treasure hunts methinks. Can't wait to see what they dig up next!

1 year, 2 months ago by piratetailzforever