Skye's Aerial Show

Imagine an episode where Skye organizes an aerial show for Adventure Bay? Like she and some new pilot pup friends perform stunts and there’s a storyline about teamwork and overcoming fear of heights. Would absolutely love to see more female pilots in the show.

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by skye_lover99


Not gonna lie, I'm afraid of heights myself lol. Seeing a character overcome it could be really inspiring. My kid's a bit of a daredevil though so it'd be right up her alley.

1 year, 2 months ago by HeightHater22


An episode focused on teamwork is essential. The other pups could play roles like safety checks or crowd control. It takes a team to make things fly – quite literally in this case, let's hope the writers do it justice.

1 year, 2 months ago by TeamworkGuru


Skye and friends in an airshow, seriously? What are they gonna do, drop doggy treats from the sky?

1 year, 2 months ago by AdventureBayCritic


OMG would they get jetpacks?! I hope so! And maybe a new pup who's like a super cool stunt pilot. Skye could be her mentor!

1 year, 2 months ago by PupPilotProdigy


They better not mess this up with inaccurate flight physics. Kids need to learn correct aerodynamics, even in cartoons. But yeah, a themed ep on the sky could be neat.

1 year, 2 months ago by CriticalCanine


Being into planes myself, I'm all for introducing kids to aviation early on. Would be neat to sneak in some real-life pilot lingo. Oh, and imagine a stunt where Skye does a loop-the-loop with smoke trails in the shape of a paw!

1 year, 2 months ago by AeronauticalAce


Love this idea! I think having more female pilots would be great role models for the kids. Show them girls can fly high too! And some new pup characters? Count me in. 😄

1 year, 2 months ago by PupLover101


aww yess! Skye's my fave and an aerial show ep would be so cool!! imagine the tricks and the colors. hope it teaches kids it's ok to be scared and still do awesome things!!

1 year, 2 months ago by SkyeFanatic