Mayor Goodway checking in!

Good day, citizens of Adventure Bay! Mayor Goodway here 🎩👋 just reminding everyone that Chickaletta is safe and sound after her little escapade on Farmer Yumi's farm. Thanks to the PAW Patrol once again! How are all of YOUR pets doing today? 🐓💖

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by adventurebaymayor


Aww, Mayor Goodway, you and the PAW Patrol always keeping things exciting! My pooch Cali just had a bath and is now rolling around trying to get her 'scent' back, lol. 🐕💦

1 year, 1 month ago by CaliCanine


So happy to hear about Chickaletta's safe return! It's my first week in Adventure Bay and already loving the community spirit here. My pup Marley has been enjoying the beach a lot, thanks for asking!

1 year, 1 month ago by BayWatchdog


Maybe Chickaletta just wants to be Yumi's new farm hand? 🚜😉 Jokes aside, my hamster's been extra active on her wheel today. Must be inspired by Chickaletta's daring getaway!

1 year, 1 month ago by YumiFan101


Is there like a medal for the most kidnapped chicken in the world, because I’m pretty sure Chickaletta would win hands down 😆 My pet goldfish is just swimming in circles, prob dreaming of being a PAW Patrol hero.

1 year, 1 month ago by SnarkyPup


Every time I hear about Chickaletta, it just brightens my day. My doggo Rex has been trying to learn new tricks, not as exciting as escaping to a farm, but it's something!

1 year, 1 month ago by PetsAreLife22


Chickaletta for president! Always causing a scene but we wouldn't want her any other way 😂 My turtle is just basking under his lamp, way less drama than your feathered friend!

1 year, 1 month ago by ChickalettaFanatic


Chickaletta's adventures are never dull, haha! 🐔 My cat Whiskers is just chilling today, completely the opposite of Chickaletta. Glad she's back safe!

1 year, 1 month ago by AdventureBayRanger