This Dalmatian pup cannot take a step without a tumble! Like, we get that clumsiness is his 'thing', but c'mon, maybe a little less faceplanting per episode? Can't unsee this now, can ya? 😂
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by MarshallMishaps
This is exactly what bothers me about kids' shows these days. They find one characteristic and drive it home every. single. episode. It's lazy writing, honestly. I wish they'd develop his character more, maybe show different sides of his clumsiness or even better, let him have episodes where he doesn't fall at all!
Well, to be fair, they're staying true to the playful and energetic nature of Dalmatians, even though they're not known to be particularly clumsy. I'd actually love to see a bit more about Marshall's bravery and fire-fighting skills - after all, Dalmatians have a storied history with fire departments. Let's celebrate that heritage!