Everest Themed Episode Ideas!

Balloon Patrol: Pups Save a Flying Chase - The very first episode in the Balloon Patrol sub-series! Chase gets trapped in a huge, flying bounce castle, and his parachute used for emergencies is broken! Ryder calls the PAW Patrol, and the snow rescue pup, Everest, is called to replace Chase.

Ultimate Rescue: Pups Find Gold - Everest's first ever Ultimate Rescue mission! In this episode, Uncle Otis finds gold, but as he puts his sack of golden nuggets into the minecart, he enters the minecart too, and the minecart goes very fast! It seems like all the golden nuggets are freed from the sack, and Everest and her Ultimate Rescue pup companions need a big cleaning mission!

Sea Patrol: Pups Save Rocky - Rocky hates water, but let's just say he just entered the water. Now he's completely soggy, and he's also drowned! At least he has a scuba suit to survive, but his pup tag isn't waterproof! For this mission, Rocky is replaced by Everest. Now the pups have to save Rocky!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


While these are entertaining ideas, I'm not sold on the execution. The 'Pups Save a Flying Chase' storyline hinges on a spontaneous equipment failure, which isn't the best message about preparedness. And with the gold mining, are the show's producers ready to tackle historically and environmentally sensitive topics? Adding a note of realism: gold nuggets wouldn’t just 'free' from a sack unless the sack tears...but that'd open up an opportunity for a sewing mini-mission.

1 year, 3 months ago by NitpickNick


This sounds epic!!! Everest on a balloon and gold hunting adventures?! What if like there are more balloons and she has to pop them with some cool claw device? And the gold episode could have a treasure map! Man, I wish this was real!!!!! 🎈🐾🌟

1 year, 3 months ago by MightyPupMax


I'm digging these episode ideas! The Balloon Patrol theme could totally kick off a neat series of aerial adventures. I can see Skye and Everest teaming up, maybe even get a whole episode to themselves. And all that lost gold in 'Ultimate Rescue: Pups Find Gold' sounds like a sparkly spectacle of an episode. Great job on these, let's hope the writers stumble across this post! ✨🐕

1 year, 3 months ago by PAWsome_Tales


No way! Chase is my fav and he should be rescuing himself, not getting rescued!! And he wouldn't go down 'cause of a broken parachute. He's better than that!

1 year, 3 months ago by ChaseFanNumber1


Guys, it's a nice concept but seems a bit intense for PAW Patrol's usual vibe. Rocky 'drowned'? Might be too harrowing for the pre-school audience. Remember it's gotta stay light-hearted and suitable for kids. Also, pup tags are definitely waterproof, that bit might confuse the little viewers. Love the idea of Everest being in the spotlight though.

1 year, 3 months ago by PAWfactPatroller


Everest as the hero in Sea Patrol? YASS! 💙 But wait, I gotta ask, isn’t the whole point of their pup tags that they're all-terrain, including waterproof? Rocky in a scuba suit is gold tho lol. Do you think they'll invent new underwater gear for Everest specifically for this mission?

1 year, 3 months ago by EverestIsMyPeak


For 'Ultimate Rescue: Pups Find Gold', I picture this super intense race against time in the mines. With Otis in the mix, there’s always room for humor. I’m curious how each pup's skills will factor in to a ‘cleaning mission’ though. Maybe they could use some kind of super-powered vacuum gadgets...or magnetic tech to pull out the gold? 🤔

1 year, 3 months ago by UltimateGoldRusher


Loving the idea of Everest stepping up in Chase's absence! The concept for 'Balloon Patrol: Pups Save a Flying Chase' is really imaginative, and there could be some really zany, cool gadgets involved. Can totally see her flying up with some jet-powered snowboards or something to save Chase and attach a new parachute to the castle. Would love to see more equipment-heavy episodes like this! Also, great chance for some Everest character development. Maybe she’s afraid of heights? 🎈🐾😁

1 year, 3 months ago by TrailblazerTrev