More Episode Ideas!

Pups Save the Ice Sculpture - Mayor Goodway decides to make a beautiful, adorable ice sculpture of her purse chicken, Chickaletta. But as she adds the finishing touches, the statue topples over and is broken into pieces. As they try to save the ice sculpture, the pups' hands are too weak to bring the sculpture. So they need Everest, the strongest rescue pup in Adventure Bay.

Pups Save the Rugby - When Alex Porter loses his favorite rugby ball, it falls into a sewer. The PAW Patrol is called to save the rugby. But as they try to catch the rugby, they notice a huge stinky waterfall. Now they need to be brave and get the rugby, for real. Then it's revealed Mayor Humdinger is part of this! Now the pups need to stop Humdinger and snatch the rugby back from him.

Pups Save the Fishing Competition - Cap'n Turbot catches a big fish, but as he tries to reveal the fish to all Adventure Bay residents, he gets pulled to the water. He doesn't notice that Ryder, the leader of the PAW Patrol, is trapped in his bag too, which isn't waterproof! Even Ryder's pup pad, which receives a short circuit! And that happens prior to the fishing competition, which is going to be big! Now the pups need to save both Cap'n Turbot, Ryder, and the fishing competition, all by themselves!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


These are some cool episode ideas! Personally, I'd love to see more teamwork among the pups, especially without Ryder. It'd show how capable they are independently. And they always find awesome ways to solve problems!

1 year, 3 months ago by PupsToTheRescue


Love the idea of a fishing competition being part of an episode, great way to feature Cap'n Turbot more! But the whole Ryder in danger thing? Let's be real, even with a short-circuited pup pad, he'd have a backup plan. Would love to see more realistic challenges for the pups and less over-the-top antics.

1 year, 3 months ago by BayFisher


Mayor Humdinger causing trouble again, yawn... When will he learn? 😒 And since when is Everest the 'strongest' pup? Marshall would've just tripped into the sewer and saved the rugby ball by accident lol.

1 year, 3 months ago by HumdingerHater69


Alex losing his rugby ball in the sewer is so him lol. Can't wait to see the pups save the day, they always do!!

1 year, 3 months ago by AlexPortersBiggestFan


The ice sculpture idea seems a bit too cliché, don't you think? I mean, we've seen statues and sculptures in peril before. I'd prefer something fresher and more creative. And Everest, the strongest? Not sure about that either.

1 year, 3 months ago by AdventureBayWatcher


Not to nitpick but wouldn't Ryder avoid getting in such a situation? He's always prepared. Anyway, I like the idea of the fishing competition, definitely adds some tension 😬 And that would be a great chance to show the pups being resourceful without Ryder's help, which we don't see enough!

1 year, 3 months ago by CapnTurbotDefender


The rugby ep sounds intense! Can't wait to see how the pups deal with the stink waterfall, and Humdinger getting involved is always good for some laughs 😄

1 year, 3 months ago by RugbyPupLover


OMG yes pls!! An ice sculpture of Chickaletta would be the cutest thing ever!! 😍 And having Everest show off her strength would be awesome, she deserves more screentime!!!

1 year, 3 months ago by ChickalettaFan01