It's something I've noticed everyone does, including me. Is it like a reflex or is there an actual reason for it?
Submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by RandomQuestionGuy
Hey, new to the sub, but love this question. The whole eyes closing thing is definitely a reflex. The body does a bunch of stuff automatically for us, which is really cool when you think about it. Sneezing is also a way to protect us by getting rid of irritants and the eyes closing is part of that protection mechanism, I think.
Sneezing is a reflex initiated by a signal sent to the brain in response to an irritation in the nasal passages. The brain then coordinates a series of actions: closing the throat, mouth, and eyes, and a strong contraction of the chest muscles to expel air rapidly from the lungs. The closing of the eyes is part of this reflexive response, likely a protective mechanism to prevent expelled particulate matter from entering the eyes, though it's not considered necessary by all experts. This is despite the popular myth that 'your eyes can pop out if you keep them open while sneezing'. That part isn't true — your eyes are pretty secure in their sockets!
Actually, it's super interesting! Whether it's entirely necessary or not is up for debate, but the probable reason we shut our eyes when we sneeze is to protect our eyes from the particles expelled. The reflex is called the 'sneezing reflex,' which is trigged by irritation in your nasal mucous membranes. When you sneeze, your body is basically forcing out stuff from your nose at a high speed, and closing your eyes might be a way to prevent these particles and the associated germs from entering your eyes. It's like an automatic face shield!