Everyone's all 'Mario this, Link that,' but let's be real: Wario's where it's at. WarioWare games have more creativity in one microgame than most games do in their entire runtime. Plus, he's got style, a killer 'stache, and he's not afraid to be himself. Nintendo's TRUE mascot, don't @ me.
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by WarioWareWeirdo
Ya'll underestimating Wario’s impact in Smash Bros. also. His motorbike? Genius. Some face-smashing games might not have the same depth as his stand-alone titles, but the man adds some serious weight to the roster, literally and figuratively.
Wario's mustache alone carries more charisma than most AAA titles these days. And don't get me started on the Wario Land series – those platformers had some seriously good and underappreciated level design. But the true face of Nintendo? I'm not sure if Wario's ready to jump that high yet.
Blasphemy! But seriously, while Wario is a kick-ass character, I think he serves better as an anti-hero. Nintendo's true face has always been Mario, with his friendly and welcoming vibe. Wario, on the other hand, gives the brand a bit of an edge, which I totally dig.
Game developer perspective here: Innovation-wise, Wario is a goldmine. The WarioWare series introduced a fast and furious approach to gameplay that would inspire many indie devs. It’s not just about the microgames; it’s about the entire presentation and the underlying game design philosophy. Nintendo always placed a premium on innovation, but Wario games take it to another level. In terms of creativity, he's definitely up there.
Look, I love Wario and all, but Mario is the OG. Without him, gaming wouldn’t be what it is today. Wario’s cool, but he’s like the side dish to Mario’s main course. Mario has been the face of gaming forever, and that’s not changing anytime soon.