Breath of the Wild 2 hype train!!!

choo choo Breath of the Wild 2 is gonna be the bomb! What do you guys think they'll add? I'm hoping for more complicated dungeons like the old Zeldas. And pet the dang dogs, Nintendo. PLZ!

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by ZeldaIsLife


No one mentioning the soundtrack yet? The music in BOTW was atmospheric af, but I'm hoping for more epic tunes in BOTW2 – something gripping for when you delve into those complicated dungeons we're all wishing for!

1 year, 2 months ago by EponasSong


I actually really want more peaceful activities. Like more cooking, fishing, maybe even farming? Could be a cool way to chill between all the dungeon crawling and monster fighting.

1 year, 2 months ago by HylianHerbalist


Counting on Nintendo to add more stuff for completionists—more Korok seeds, hidden bosses, secret weapons... the works! Gotta have things that keep us hunting for 100%!

1 year, 2 months ago by KorokHunter101


More dungeons? Why? So you can cry about them being too hard? LOL, git gud 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by GANONdwarf


All I care about is being able to pet the dogs this time around, lol. They better listen to us!

1 year, 2 months ago by DogLoverLink


They should definitely add a Cave of Trials type challenge like in Twilight Princess. That was both brutal and super rewarding. And agree, petting dogs is a must—it's almost scandalous that wasn't included from the get-go.

1 year, 2 months ago by LonLonRancher


I just wanna see more of that lore! The hidden stuff in BOTW was amazing and if they expand on that OH MAN! Also, yes, petting dogs needs to be a thing. Like, how was that not in the first game?

1 year, 2 months ago by TriforceGatherer


Highly doubt they'll miss the opportunity to include more complex dungeons, the backlash for the lack of traditional dungeons was loud and clear. Also expecting, and kinda hoping, for an expanded weapon system. Durability was an interesting mechanic but let's get some unbreakable weapons like Master Sword for endgame content!

1 year, 2 months ago by ZeldaFanatic92