Guys, I’m playing through Kirby Star Allies again and started thinking: We always see love for Sword or Hammer, but what about the unsung heroes? I think Beetle is super underrated, those horn attacks are awesome and who doesn't love tossing enemies around? What's your pick for the most underappreciated copy ability?
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by biggest_kirby_fan
Given the discourse in the community, Water is criminally underrated. It’s not just about the attack damage—it offers incredible mobility! Swift currents, water gun attacks for ranged enemies, and it's even useful in puzzle-solving scenarios. Plus, who can deny the pure aesthetic appeal of a aquatic Kirby gracefully navigating through levels? Discussing Kirby's abilities without highlighting Water's multifaceted utility is a glaring omission.
I've invested quite a bit of time mastering all copy abilities and I must say Architect is wildly underappreciated. The strategy involved in creating and utilizing your own cover, in conjunction with the attack opportunities it provides, is a game changer in the more frenetic battles. Plus, it feels very rewarding.