Eevee > Pikachu

I said it. Eevee's got like what? 8 evolutions now? That's some real versatility. Pikachu's just... Pikachu. Overhyped yellow mouse.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by pikachuisoverrated


Shiny Pikachu tho >>> It's so rare and unique looking, whereas with Eevee you're chasing 8 different shiny forms which is exhausting tbh. But in terms of battling, totally get your point dude.

1 year, 3 months ago by ShinyHunterz


A lot of people forget that Pikachu has a hidden ability that can turn the tide of a battle. Sure, Eevee has more evolution options, but Pikachu with its Light Ball is not to be underestimated. Plus, Pikachu's design is iconic; it's a cultural phenomenon outside the realm of games, which Eevee is only starting to tap into.

1 year, 3 months ago by HiddenAbility


Finally, someone said it! Been on Team Eevee since I got my hands on 'Let's Go Eevee', no way Pikachu can match up. It's not just the evolutions either, it's style points too, ever see an Eevee merch? Adorable AND epic. Eevee ftw.

1 year, 3 months ago by EvolveOrDie


Eevee's evolutions are a gimmick. Pikachu is timeless. Raichu gets overlooked too much; it's got serious power behind it that Eevee's evolutions just can't mimic.

1 year, 3 months ago by gen1purist


lol eevee is cool but c'mon... Pikachu is Pikachu. It's like comparing apples and super versatile oranges 😅

1 year, 3 months ago by pixelpal


Technically speaking, Eevee's evolutions cover a massive range of types, which strategically speaking, is a major advantage for trainers who love to adapt and conquer various battle scenarios. The elemental variety makes Eevee a superior choice for trainers aiming for a flexible team without needing to capture more Pokémon. That aside, Pikachu's access to moves like Volt Tackle and its status as an Electric-type can be indispensable in early-game situations or against Water-type and Flying-type opponents.

1 year, 3 months ago by TypeAdvantageGuru


Pikachu's the OG though, can't beat the classic. Ash's Pikachu literally took down legendaries. Eevee's got diversity, sure, but Pikachu is the face of Pokémon for a reason. Plus, ever heard of a little thing called Raichu? Or even Alolan Raichu? Some evolution still!

1 year, 3 months ago by OG_Pikachu_Lover


Right? Eevee's possibilities are endless! Plus, each evolution has its own strengths and strategies. Honestly, Pikachu's cute and all, but it's all about that one-dimensional electric type. Eevee's like the Swiss Army knife of Pokémon! 🐾

1 year, 3 months ago by EeveeFanatic