I said it. Eevee's got like what? 8 evolutions now? That's some real versatility. Pikachu's just... Pikachu. Overhyped yellow mouse.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by pikachuisoverrated
A lot of people forget that Pikachu has a hidden ability that can turn the tide of a battle. Sure, Eevee has more evolution options, but Pikachu with its Light Ball is not to be underestimated. Plus, Pikachu's design is iconic; it's a cultural phenomenon outside the realm of games, which Eevee is only starting to tap into.
Technically speaking, Eevee's evolutions cover a massive range of types, which strategically speaking, is a major advantage for trainers who love to adapt and conquer various battle scenarios. The elemental variety makes Eevee a superior choice for trainers aiming for a flexible team without needing to capture more Pokémon. That aside, Pikachu's access to moves like Volt Tackle and its status as an Electric-type can be indispensable in early-game situations or against Water-type and Flying-type opponents.
Pikachu's the OG though, can't beat the classic. Ash's Pikachu literally took down legendaries. Eevee's got diversity, sure, but Pikachu is the face of Pokémon for a reason. Plus, ever heard of a little thing called Raichu? Or even Alolan Raichu? Some evolution still!