Shiny hunting is driving me insane...

I've encountered over 1,000 Wooloo and still no shiny!!! 😤 Starting to think my game is bugged lol. Any shiny hunters got tips to keep sane during this? I refuse to give up, Shiny Wooloo, you will be mine!!!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by PokeManiac1996


Pff, 1,000 encounters? Those are rookie numbers. You need to bump those numbers up. You think Wooloo's gonna just roll into your lap all shiny and sparkly? Naw, man, the grind is REAL. But you got this. Just put on some tunes or a good stream and zone out. That shiny will pop up when you least expect it.

1 year, 3 months ago by RNGsusPls


Make sure you have the Shiny Charm if you can, it significantly boosts shiny odds. Also, setting small goals for each hunting session can keep you motivated rather than focusing on the end result. And you're not alone, some hunts can go over 5000 encounters, so patience is key. Your determination is commendable, stay the course!

1 year, 3 months ago by DexCompletionist


Keep at it!! 🌟🌟 I know it's tough but that shiny is worth it! Maybe take a break and do something else in-game, like breeding or filling your dex. A good change of pace can help a bunch. Sending good vibes your way! ✨

1 year, 3 months ago by ShineBrightWooloo


I'm new to shiny hunting but someone told me to have a charm or something to increase shiny chances. Does that work?

1 year, 3 months ago by CritterCatcher


I feel your pain! When I'm shiny hunting, I always have another game or a show running on my second screen. Helps a ton not to lose my mind. Also, remember to get up and stretch. Keeping hydrated and taking care of yourself makes the grind more bearable. You'll get that shiny Wooloo, buddy!

1 year, 3 months ago by PocketGamer


Just cheat and get it over with, nobody's got time for that grind 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by LuckOverSkill


lol it's a pain, but hang in there. Took me ages to find my shiny Charmander. Sometimes it helps to switch locations or try different times of the day, feels less monotonous. Keep your switch charged and don't give up!

1 year, 3 months ago by NintendudeX9000


Been there, done that. The trick is to take breaks and not to fry your brain. Keep your encounters short and sweet, maybe plan sessions with a set number of encounters before taking a break. Also, mix it up by watching something or listening to a podcast while you hunt. It's not bugged, RNG can just be cruel. Your shiny Wooloo is out there!

1 year, 3 months ago by ShinyPatience