Just fixed my NES and it's working like a charm! Blowing into the cartridges really is an art form haha. Currently playing through the original Metroid and it's brutal compared to today's standards. No hand-holding, just pure exploration, and trial and error. Who else keeps their retro Nintendo consoles running?
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RetroRewind
Under the soft glow of the screen, I revisit those pixelated corridors and hear the synthetic echoes of an 8-bit soundtrack. These machines are not just tech, but vessels of memories. To this day, the NES is a treasure amid my shelves, ever ready to whir to life and challenge me with its deceptively simple yet deep games.
Heck yeah! Still have my NES and a pretty solid collection of cartridges. There's something about the whole ritual—slotting in the cart, the blinking screen when it doesn't quite work, then finally the success—that modern consoles just can't match.
Nice one on getting the NES back in action! But hey, just FYI, blowing into cartridges isn't the best idea, moisture from your breath can actually corrode the pins over time. I'd recommend picking up a cleaning kit or using some isopropyl alcohol and Q-tips to clean the contacts. Keeps 'em in top shape without the risk!
Totally got my NES still hooked up! It's like a time machine to the good ol' days. Zelda, Metroid, and even Duck Hunt still get regular play time on my old CRT. Nothing beats the satisfaction of hearing that power button click and watching the screen flicker to life. Pure nostalgia!