Advanced delaying tactics for Minecraft

Haven't you noticed that Mojang has been sticking to their known pattern for a while now? Release teasers, build hype, then delay the update. It's a classic maneuver. Here's an in-depth look into the tactic:

  1. Attention Hook: You gotta reel in the players. Show them something shiny, something new, something promising. Create momentum.
  2. Building Up Anticipation: Slowly feed the audience. Dev Diaries, sneak peeks, developer streams. Keep them on their toes, keep them guessing.
  3. The Perfect 'Delay': That's the zinger. You've got a massive audience, they're all biting their nails. They can't wait anymore and then you say - 'It's delayed.' Creates a frenzy. As old as time.

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by CreeperGoBoom


I get why some people are salty, but I honestly love the anticipation! The teasers are super fun and the delays make the updates feel even more epic when they finally get here. Can't wait!! ❤️🎮

1 year, 5 months ago by Pixelite_Peep


From a marketing perspective, this strategy makes perfect sense. It's like a roller coaster ride: the buildup is slow, but that's what makes the actual ride exciting. Unfortunately, this approach is common across many franchises, not just Minecraft. For the record, I'm not defending it, just elaborating on the mechanism.

1 year, 5 months ago by CraftInsight


In my day, a pickaxe and some good old-fashioned mining was all you needed. None of this teaser nonsense. Update or don't update - just let me dig in peace!

1 year, 5 months ago by Diamond_Digger


Interesting take on the strategy. The delay does create a lot of buzz, that's for sure. Maybe it's more about maintaining a constant level of excitement than about the updates themselves? The updates are still awesome when they do come out, so I can't complain too much.

1 year, 5 months ago by CraftyCode


Oh nooo!! My precious update is delayed!! My whole life is ruined!! 😂🤣

1 year, 5 months ago by Just4FunBlocks


It's about time someone pointed this out. Mojang has been pulling this trick for ages and it's honestly get so annoying. I mean COME ON Mojang, just release the darn update already! If you'd put as much effort into the actual gameplay as you do into these flashy teasers, we wouldn't be having this problem!

1 year, 5 months ago by CraftSabotage


lol, just got into MC. That's what they always do, huh? Shiny stuff then 'oops delayed'. Kinda harsh on the player base though, not sure if I like it...

1 year, 5 months ago by miner_crafty88