LOL @ people who can't navigate!

Every time I'm at Meadowhall, I see peeps walking in circles, like total n00bs. The place ain't a maze, just look at the signs, duh! 😂 Next time you're lost, may as well wear a sign 'I'm a Meadowhall rookie' ROFL

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by meadowManiax


I'm gonna start handing out 'Lost Puppy' flyers to the next person I see going in circles. 😂 Might as well make a game out of it. Place bets on how long until they figure it out or a staff member rescues them. Easy entertainment.

1 year, 2 months ago by BillyTheBully


TOP TIP COMING THROUGH: Learn the anchor stores, people! They're like the North Star of the mall world. Once you know where the big ones are, you can always figure out where you are in relation to everything else. And there's an app, for crying out loud, use it!

1 year, 2 months ago by TheNavigatrix


It's like a rite of passage, getting lost in Meadowhall 😆 Once you've done the 'circle of confusion', you're initiated into the club. #MeadowhallRookie no more!

1 year, 2 months ago by Mallrat1999


Hey, I was one of those 'n00bs' once! My first time at Meadowhall was a disaster, couldn't figure out where anything was. Now I got it down, but let's not hate on the first-timers 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by FirstTimeFumbler


lol i saw someone yesterday looking totally baffled by the escalators, pretty funny tbh. Remember, if you see someone struggling, maybe give them a hand instead of a laugh – not everyone's a Meadowhall pro!

1 year, 2 months ago by CasualConnie


Did u ever think maybe the signs are the problem? 🤔 i've seen plenty of malls where signs are more confusing than helpful. Not everyone processes info the same way. But yeah, wandering in circles isn't a good look lol.

1 year, 2 months ago by SignageSkeptic


not EVERYONE has a sense of direction 🙄 some of us would get lost in a paper bag. not a fan of your 'holier than thou' vibe btw

1 year, 2 months ago by IHateMaps87


Yeah, I get you, but to be fair, for newbies Meadowhall can be pretty intimidating! The first couple of times I came I was all over the place too, now it's like my second home haha. Pro tip: if you're really lost just pop into one of the stores and ask the staff, they're always super helpful!

1 year, 2 months ago by MallsRMyLifestyle