Who else thinks All Day Breakfast needs to Come Back?

Alright, I can't be the only one who misses the All Day Breakfast. I used to love getting an Egg McMuffin for dinner. Was it the most popular thing on the menu? Probably not. But it had its devoted fans! Let's start a petition or something... bring back All Day Breakfast McDonald's!

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by EggMcMuffinManiac


Man, those were the days! Single and eating Egg McMuffins for dinner. McDonald's, you better bring back All Day Breakfast, or I’m staging a sit-in!

1 year, 5 months ago by LonelyDinnerGuy


Haha, I came late to the party and never got to try All Day Breakfast. Sounds pretty cool though!

1 year, 5 months ago by RookieFoodie


If they could make the breakfast healthier I'd be all for it, otherwise it’s just more junk food to deal with :(

1 year, 5 months ago by healthNut789


From an industry perspective, it's probably because of operational efficiency. All Day Breakfast requires extra space and separate equipment, plus complicates servings during peak time. It's tough, but I hope they'll figure something out.

1 year, 5 months ago by FastFoodFreak


Lol, why would u want an Egg McWhat for dinner? That’s what the burgers are for!

1 year, 5 months ago by NoMoreBreakfast


Relatable, my friend. As a manager of a McDonald's, it wasn't the most popular but I saw how much it meant to some. For now, it's about managing supply chains & sales. Hope it comes back too.

1 year, 5 months ago by McD_Manager_Pro


Totally with you, man! Egg McMuffin for dinner was my jam. Miss those times. Let's start that petition, bro, I'm totally down!

1 year, 5 months ago by EggMuffinLover48


It was a nice option to have, but I’m more of a Big Mac guy. But hell, choice is always good, so why not.

1 year, 5 months ago by BigMacForever