I mean, c'mon guys, Burger King's got the WHOPPER. what's McD got to beat that, eh? 😜😜 inb4 downvotes lmao
Hey guys, got any brave souls out there? Here's a challenge: order a Spicy McChicken, but not just one... get FIVE. Eat them in one sitting. If you can do it without drinking water (or crying), you're a true spice god. Seriously though, don't push yourself if you can't handle …
Alright, I can't be the only one who misses the All Day Breakfast. I used to love getting an Egg McMuffin for dinner. Was it the most popular thing on the menu? Probably not. But it had its devoted fans! Let's start a petition or something... bring back All Day …
Long-time lurker, first-time poster here! So I'm trying to live a healthier lifestyle, but I can't completely cut McD out of my life (who can, right?). So does anyone have a list of the healthier options in their menu? Appreciate the help everyone!👍
Just had a trip down memory lane folks! I remembered when Happy Meal toys were THE thing kids were crazy about. There were various themes like the Disney movies, Hot Wheels, Beanie Babies and more. I recall the thrill of getting each collectible and the happiness (no pun intended) it …
Hello folks, I was just getting my usual the other day and something hit me. Does anyone else feel like the medium fries taste better than the large??? 🤔 Is it just me or do they have more salt/crispiness? Feels weird, anyone else agree?
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by
Okay guys, so the other day I was seriously craving for a Big Mac but didn't feel like driving to MCD. So I decided to try my hand at making it. Here's the recipe and procedure I followed, hope you guys find it useful. **Ingredients**: * 2 beef patties * …