Pregnant Mario??

lmao has anyone ever modded a mario game to make mario pregnant with bowser's baby??? i just imagine mario waddling around trying to save the kingdom with a big ol' belly. bonus points if the baby breathes fire. someone please make this it would be HILARIOUS

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by ChainChompChaos


Preggo Mario, brought to you by Rule 34. Why do you want this? WHY? The internet ruins everything, I swear.

1 year, 1 month ago by YoshiEggLover


lmao, imagine the final level where Mario has to get to the hospital instead of another castle 😂😂😂

1 year, 1 month ago by GreenShell_Boi


I've made some weird mods in my time, but this is next level. FWIW, it's technically possible to model a pregnant Mario and edit animations to have him waddle. The fire-breathing baby bit would take some custom scripting though. If the community's hyped for it, I might just give it a shot... No promises.

1 year, 1 month ago by ModMaster64


this is giving me so many RPG ideas tho! Pregnant Mario side quest where you collect items for the baby!? And NPC reactions could be hilarious, imagine Luigi's face when he finds out 😆

1 year, 1 month ago by PechaBerryPrincess


I mean, technically Bowser already has a ton of kids, so it wouldn't be TOO far-fetched for there to be some kind of plot twist where Mario's carrying the next heir to the Koopa throne. Imagine the boss fights protecting the baby from harm, adds a whole new layer of strategy and protecting!

1 year, 1 month ago by BowserJrFan88


Seriously? Pregnant Mario? Some mods just take things too far, dude. Nintendo would have a fit if they saw their main guy in a family way by Bowser. Plus, think of the hitboxes! 😆

1 year, 1 month ago by ShellShockedKoopa


omg haha that's wild, never thought I'd see 'Pregnant Mario' in a sentence 😂 I'd love to see this mod! Imagine the power-ups, like prenatal vitamins giving Mario a speed boost because of all the extra nutrients, lol!

1 year, 1 month ago by 1UpMama