umm im really curious does anyone remember a show from the 90s or sth with a talking car but it wasnt knight rider or kitt. the car was red i think and it wasnt really about crime fighting more like adventures and stuff. sorry for bad description cuz i was really little then. 😅
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by mysterybuff94
It's gotta be 'Team Knight Rider'. It's like a spin-off of the original but with multiple talking vehicles and hell yeah, one of them was red. The show was definitely more on the adventure side and not super heavy on the whole crime fighting bit.
This is kind of a long shot, but you might be thinking of 'Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch' which was way back, like 70s back. But then again, it's an animated series and has a bunch of talking vehicles, not just one. Who knows what reruns you caught as a kid in the 90s.
What you are referring to might be 'VR Troopers'. While it's not centered around the talking car, there was a sentient car named Jeb. Was more of a kids show with that mix of Power Rangers vibe. The car was definitely involved in all the weird adventures. Look it up and see if that hits nostalgia for ya!
Ohh I think I totally got what you're talking about! Is it 'My Mother the Car'? It's this really old show from the '60s, yea not 90s but maybe it was reruned when u were a kid? The car was called Portia and it's definitely red. It's not about crime fighting at all, super quirky and definitely about adventures.