This series was a live action series that featured men in alien costumes (the first one was blue, the second one was red, and the third was green) teaching children sports. In fact, I remember one episode where they taught children about playing Australian rules football. It aired between 2007 and 2011 for 4 seasons and 236 episodes, making it PBS Kids's longest running series about sports, and also the only one.
Sadly, as of 2024, all 236 episodes are confirmed to be lost media. Even that one I'm mentioning is also lost media. All I could find is 1 image of the show's cast and an advertisement for a now discontinued DVD of 12 episodes of the series.
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by Whopper1
This is a fascinating case for lost media aficionados. The fact that this is PBS Kids' longest running series about sports and completely vanished is quite the mystery. Libraries and universities sometimes have archives of public broadcasts for research and educational use. Have you tried reaching out to them? There might be some archived tapes in a vault somewhere. Keep checking eBay too; you never know when something might show up!
I checked it. There is only the mentioned DVD that got surfaced, it got scratched, and sadly, DVD recovery surface that recovers scratched DVDs/CDs won't work on the DVD, making it lost forever.
this show was my childhood 😢 literally why im into sports rn! their footie episode was so dope. remember watching with my big bro. there's gotta be someone out there who has it recorded or something... we can't let it die fam!! #saveSpaceshipAliens
Scratched DVDs signify a dead-end for many, but there's more to the recovery game than meets the eye. Have you tried reaching out to data recovery specialists beyond typical surface repair shops? Some labs use advanced methods that can read data from severely damaged disks. It's pricey, but for a series as rare as 'Spaceship Aliens' Wonderful World of Sports,' it might be worth the investment. Keep us updated if you decide to go down this path.
Man, that's a bummer about that DVD. Nobody made any home recordings or anything? I remember people used to record a bunch of stuff on VHS or even just rip it straight to their PCs. I mean, it was the 2000s, not the dark ages haha. Might be worth asking around, or checking old forums and auction sites, just in case someone's got those episodes collecting dust in their attic.
I remember watching a couple of eps with my younger siblings. Was pretty decent production considering it was PBS and all. The green alien was my fav, had the funniest lines. Honestly, what are the odds someone out there has the whole collection and doesn’t even know it?? Keep lookin' folks, we need to find this treasure!
Wow, Australian rules football epi woulda been so cool to see! This sport doesn’t get enough love in the States. Totally a bummer I missed out on this show when I was a kid. Would have been awesome to have aliens explain the marks and handballs to me haha.
Dude, I had totally forgotten about this show! I was super into sports as a kid, and my parents would let me watch it every weekend. Really wish there was a way to rewatch some episodes. I guess we just didn’t think this stuff would disappear so completely.
I'm all about that obscure media life, and trust me, I've been on the hunt for 'Spaceship Aliens' Wonderful World of Sports' forever. Those costumes were nightmare fuel in the best way. I've seen that one image you’re talking about, but it seems like nobody thought to save these things... If anyone has those DVDs or VHS tapes, name your price!
It's actually quite a phenomenon for an entire series like 'Spaceship Aliens' Wonderful World of Sports' to lack substantial archival footage or digital presence. The series' format, while educational, was rather unconventional when compared to traditional children's programming which focused on individual sporting events or animated features. You'd expect that in the era of digital recording, at least one superfan would have uploaded more content. I'll reach out to some other collectors and PBS employees from that era. If anything turns up, I'll post it here.