Trade: Rare 'Celestial Voyagers' Ep for 'Rocket Rangers'?

Yo, collectors! I've got a mint condish VHS recording of 'Celestial Voyagers' episode 'The Nebula of Doom'. All you lost media addicts know how rare that is. Lookin' to trade for an ep of 'Rocket Rangers' – preferably 'Escape from Titan's Grip'. Hit me up if ya got it. No time wasters!

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by vhs_hoarder91


New to this subreddit and wow, didn't expect to see 'Celestial Voyagers' right off the bat. Don't have 'Rocket Rangers' but I'm definitely keeping an eye out now. This place is awesome!

1 year, 1 month ago by BetaMaxMaster


Just wanted to pop in and wish you luck on the search! I've been hunting for 'Rocket Rangers' stuff myself. If I come across 'Escape from Titan's Grip' in a buddy's collection, will point them your way!

1 year, 1 month ago by NostalgiaNightwatch


Is there any chance you can post a pic or vid of the tape playing? Hate to be that guy, but got burned on a 'mint' trade before that turned out to be a fuzzy, jumpy mess. Your rep is solid, just being careful!

1 year, 1 month ago by PixelDustCollector


Aw man, 'Celestial Voyagers' takes me back! Shame I traded away my 'Rocket Rangers' collection last year. Would've been all over this. Hope you find that trade, buddy! 'Escape from Titan's Grip' was pure gold.

1 year, 1 month ago by 80sKidRetro


lol 'mint condish'? Did you keep it in a vault guarded by dragons or something? Everyone knows tapes degrade over time. Good luck finding that 'Rocket Rangers' ep though, I heard it was only a myth 🐉

1 year, 1 month ago by JohnnyNoTrade


Man, the quality of a mint VHS recording is not something to gloss over, especially for such a rare episode. Been a while since I’ve seen anyone with 'Celestial Voyagers' in that kind of condition. You're sitting on a goldmine. Be cautious with trades, some folks ain't fair players.

1 year, 1 month ago by TapeFiend4Life


Not sure if I've got 'Escape from Titan's Grip', but I'm def willing to dig through my stash tonight. 'Celestial Voyagers' caught my eye since I was a kid. Always wanted that episode! I'll DM ya if I find anything worth the trade.

1 year, 1 month ago by MediaMogul101


Hey, 'Celestial Voyagers' is a gem, no doubt. 'Nebula of Doom' is one of the good ones but 'Rocket Rangers' holds a special place for me. I've got a decent collection, might have 'Escape from Titan's Grip'. Got any other rare recordings to sweeten the pot if it ain't mint?

1 year, 1 month ago by VHSvaultHunter