ok guys i seriously need ur help here. ive been searchin like crazy for the last episodes of 'Jenny Quantum' n no luck. its like they aired once n vanished off the face of the earth. tv guide lists them but no reruns or dvds or nuthin. if anyone's got even a clip or somethin pls hit me up!!
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by needthoseepisodes
Been tracking this down for years. Closest I got was a synopsis for the episodes and some fan art. The production company went under and the rights are a mess. Best bet is to find someone who DVR’d it. I stay in contact with other collectors, will def post here if anything turns up!
This is the white whale of lost eps. Jenny Quantum was crazy underrated and it's a crime those last parts are MIA. Even checked university archives and media preservation forums, nada. Might have to reach out directly to someone who worked on the show. Long shot, but might unearth something!