

The Amazing Adventures of Bioman - Lost 2010s Portuguese-Australian Cartoon

The Amazing Adventures of Bioman (in Portuguese as As incríveis aventuras de Bioman and in Spanish as Las increíbles aventuras de Bioman) is a 2013 Portuguese-Australian cartoon that also had a presence in Latin America. The series was entirely 2D, and everything was outline-less, just like graphic illustrations. The series …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by Whopper1


Weekend project: Restoring 'The Silent City' lost episode

Guess who just scored an old reel with an episode of 'The Silent City' from 1972?! This weekend's project is restoring this bad boy. It’s gonna be a challenge but can't freaking wait to see this lost episode in all its glory after cleaning it up. Fingers crossed the audio …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by dailydosageofoldies


Estate Sale Bonanza - 'Dungeon Raiders' Complete Series On Betamax

No freakin way - just hit the jackpot at an estate sale. Found the COMPLETE series of 'Dungeon Raiders' on Betamax! You know, that cheesy '90s fantasy show that everyone thought was a 'Dungeons & Dragons' ripoff but had the sick underground cult following? Gotta find myself a Betamax player …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by ThrillSeekerTommy


Project Update: Cataloguing '80s Commercials from Local TV Stations

Hey fellow lost media enthusiasts! Quick update on my project. Been reaching out to local TV stations for commercials that aired back in the '80s. Got access to some archives and the rabbit hole goes DEEP! Found ads that even the internet forgot. Lots of these have snippets or promos …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by ShowSeeker_Gary


Does nobody remember 'The Time Troupe' anymore?

Feels like I'm the only one who remembers 'The Time Troupe'. You can't find it online anywhere. It had this cool premise of a group of teen artists who could jump into paintings and live in different historical periods. The show really made you wonder if you were learning history …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by clingyclassic


Analyzing the Lost Pilot of 'The Galactic Gardeners'

I've finally managed to obtain a copy of the 'The Galactic Gardeners' pilot after months of networking with former animation studio employees. For those not in the know, it was an ambitious project combining traditional and 3D animation, way ahead of its time. The pilot episode, 'Seeds of Stardom', featured …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by animationarchivist


FOUND: Ending of 'Jenny and the Jets' Finale Episode

Couldn't believe my luck – I was at a garage sale and picked up an old taped over VHS. Turns out it had the last 10 minutes of the last episode of 'Jenny and the Jets'. You know, that sitcom where the single mom raises her kids in an airport …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by slice_of_life90


Lol every old show is boring anyway - unpopular opinion

Ok let's be real, all this fuss about old, 'lost' tv shows is kinda dumb right? I mean, they're lost cuz they sucked, fight me! 😂
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by retrorant


Just inherited a goldmine of old TV show recordings - Where to start!

Yo gang, guess who just inherited a dusty old box FULL of VHS tapes from their grandpa? THIS GUY! Looks like grandad was a serious TV junkie back in the day. We're talking everything from vintage commercials to obscure pilots no one ever heard of. I'm talking stacks on stacks …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by VHSnostalgia


The Deep Dive on 'Captain Starshine' - Anyone Remember This?

Alright guys, I've been on the hunt for this show for months now, 'Captain Starshine'. It aired briefly in the late '80s and I can barely find a trace of it. I've managed to dig up some info. 'Captain Starshine' was supposed to be this mix of sci-fi and comedy …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by forgottenshowhunter


help wat was that show with the talking car? not kitt

umm im really curious does anyone remember a show from the 90s or sth with a talking car but it wasnt knight rider or kitt. the car was red i think and it wasnt really about crime fighting more like adventures and stuff. sorry for bad description cuz i was …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by mysterybuff94


"Spaceship Aliens' Wonderful World of Sports" - Lost Late 2000s PBS Kids Series

This series was a live action series that featured men in alien costumes (the first one was blue, the second one was red, and the third was green) teaching children sports. In fact, I remember one episode where they taught children about playing Australian rules football. It aired between 2007 …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by Whopper1


Remember 'The Galactic Adventures' cartoon from the 90s?

Hey everyone! Just spent hours digging through my attic and guess what I found? A dusty VHS tape of 'The Galactic Adventures'! It's that old cartoon about space explorers fighting aliens, pretty sure not many remember it. Too bad my VCR is busted... Does anyone else remember this show? Was …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by oldschooltvfan82


Rare footage of 'Bicep Blast Off'?

Back in the early 90s, there was a fitness show called 'Bicep Blast Off' that would air at like 5 AM. Taught me the fundamentals of building muscle, man. Host was this jacked dude with a mustache – Chad Thunderfist or something like that. Anyway, I'm dying to get my …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by ThatKind Of fit


Why even bother looking for 'Secret Agent Corgi'?

So you're tellin' me you people waste hours huntin' for a crappy show like 'Secret Agent Corgi'? LOL. It got axed for a reason, it's trash TV my dudes. Spend your time on something worthwhile instead of mourning over some kiddie show no one cares about. Just my two cents. …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by heyyouguys666


Does anyone recall 'The Lost Animations' that used to play between shows?

I'm wracking my brain trying to find anyone who remembers 'The Lost Animations'. They were these short animations that would play between shows in the early 00s. Really unique art style, no dialogue, super mesmerizing. I can't find clips anywhere online, and no one I know seems to remember them. …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by ShowHunter


Trade: Rare 'Celestial Voyagers' Ep for 'Rocket Rangers'?

Yo, collectors! I've got a mint condish VHS recording of 'Celestial Voyagers' episode 'The Nebula of Doom'. All you lost media addicts know how rare that is. Lookin' to trade for an ep of 'Rocket Rangers' – preferably 'Escape from Titan's Grip'. Hit me up if ya got it. No …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by vhs_hoarder91


Hello? What's 'Pirate Bay Buccaneers' all about?

Just stumbled upon this subreddit. Super curious about this show called 'Pirate Bay Buccaneers'. It's like, from before I was born but my dad says it rocked. It's about some cyber pirates or whatever? Bay Area TV only. Anyone got the deets on that?
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by TooYoungToRemember


Unveiling the Mystery Behind 'Ghost Hour' Lost Episodes

Fellow lost media enthusiasts, I've recently had a breakthrough regarding the lost 'Ghost Hour' episodes. Through extensive research and connecting with veterans in the industry, I've uncovered that production was abruptly halted due to budget cuts. These episodes were nearly complete, and the studio still has the original film cans. …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by detectiveviewmaster


Nick Flicks and Nickel Flicks - Lost TV Shows

These were the TV shows that aired on Nickelodeon. Both of them were lost. The first one, Nick Flicks, was a programming block-like TV series that would often air marathons of movies, both Nickelodeon and non-Nickelodeon, during the late 90s and early 2000s. Nickel Flicks was an inaugural TV series …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by Whopper1


The final episodes of 'Jenny Quantum'??

ok guys i seriously need ur help here. ive been searchin like crazy for the last episodes of 'Jenny Quantum' n no luck. its like they aired once n vanished off the face of the earth. tv guide lists them but no reruns or dvds or nuthin. if anyone's got …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by needthoseepisodes