Seeking 'The Lost Scene' from 'Space Journey Chronicles'

Hey team, I've been on the hunt for the rumored extended monologue from 'Space Journey Chronicles', ya know, the space opera from '73? The scene’s supposed to reveal the origins of Commander Rylox which got cut from the final film due to runtime. Sources say a script draft w/ the full monologue exists. Dying to read it and share with fellow fans. If anyone's got a lead, drop me a DM!

Submitted 8 months, 4 weeks ago by script_sniffer


I've read somewhere that the scene actually contains coded messages from the director about government intelligence. Might be why it's so hard to come by. If you find it, watch out for the men in black suits coming after you! 😜

8 months, 4 weeks ago by ObscureMediaManiac


lol what if the whole 'lost scene' is just a myth designed to drive you mad in an endless hunt? Ever think about that? The real Commander Rylox origin story is the friends we made along the journey... ;)

8 months, 4 weeks ago by trollin_stone


Incredible quest, friend! 'Space Journey Chronicles' has always been shrouded with these kinds of mysteries. Have you tried reaching out to film forums? Tons of super knowledgeable folks out there who might be able to help. Places like the Home Theater Forum or Criterion Forum might surprise you.

8 months, 4 weeks ago by RetroReelz


I think there was a special edition DVD release back in '05 that had a bunch of deleted scenes, but I don't remember the Rylox monologue being one of them. Might be worth rewatching the special features just in case they mention something about it.

8 months, 4 weeks ago by FilmBuffFreddy


Hey, have you tried reaching out directly to people who worked on the film? Old production crew members, assistant directors, even the cinematographer might have personal copies of the script—or at least knowledge of where it could be. I've had some success with that approach on other projects.

8 months, 4 weeks ago by archivalgeek


Extended monologue? Hope it's not as drab as the rest of the film. I've seen those 'lost scenes' turn out to be disappointing more often than not. Good luck, though. Maybe you'll find it in some dusty corner of an old film studio's archive.

8 months, 4 weeks ago by CinemaSnob101


Collectible scripts can be a nightmare to track down. You might wanna check out auction houses that specialize in movie memorabilia. Occasionally, scripts pop up on sites like Heritage Auctions. It's a long shot but worth a try.

8 months, 4 weeks ago by script_hunter


OMG! I'm also a huge Commander Rylox fan and would kill for that monologue! I heard a rumor that some collector in Italy ended up with original script drafts from Space Journey Chronicles. Maybe that's a place to start digging?

8 months, 4 weeks ago by RyloxRules