yo ppl, stuck tryna remember this old cartoon, had these robot animal things fighting evil in outerspace?? Colors were super bright, and I think the main one was a lion or tiger that shot lasers. Almost feels like a fever dream now cuz I can't find it ANYWHERE. Anyone know what I'm ramblin about or am I just crazy??
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by nostalgia_junkie98
Your description is reminiscent of a few series from the 80s and 90s, but the specifics make it a bit of a puzzle. We're dealing with the era of heavy toy marketing tie-ins, and there's a good chance the series is either Japanese in origin or inspired by anime. 'Voltron' fits some of the criteria, as does 'Beast King GoLion', which is the original Japanese version before the international adaptation. Based on the animal robots, fierce aesthetics, and space conflict, it could also be 'Zoids', although the main entry is more terrestrial in nature. Finally, don't rule out 'Thundercats'; while not robot-centered, it featured an alien world and a technology-vs-magic theme. Hope this helps narrow it down for you!
Robot animals in space? Sounds like your everyday saturday morning to me, lol. Mix in some cereal and you got yourself the whole package. Maybe you dreamt it up after watching too much TV, or maybe it's real and the government wiped it from the internet... dun dun dunnn 😂.
Yo, I think you're on about Zoids! They were these mecha robotic animals and they shot lasers, cannons, and whatnot. I remember one was a Liger, which is kinda a lion/tiger mash-up. Colors were wild, it was off da chain. The space thing might not exactly fit but the rest is spot on.
Okay, the details sound awfully close to 'Voltron: Defender of the Universe' which was this multi-robot thing forming a giant defender, and yeah, the head was a lion. Could be what you're thinking of? It was famous for the lion-like robot and definitely shot all sorts of beams and stuff, but they weren't exactly animals per se, more like mechs. It might not be an exact match but check it out, might jog your memory.