Where's the 'Velvet Dungeon' series at??

First time poster long-time lurker here. Got a memory itch for 'Velvet Dungeon', heard some weird rumors about it being a front for something shady. Anyone knows what happened? Can't find the vids I vaguely remember from back then. Was it all a fever dream or what?

Submitted 1 year ago by weirdwebwanderer


heard something about that Velvet Dungeon thing being connected to some illegal biz, don't ask me about the deets cuz it's all over the place. TBH sounds like an urban myth at this point, right? who knows what's even real anymore.

1 year ago by justanothrreditor


The saga of the Velvet Dungeon is almost as mysterious as the series itself. After a multitude of lawsuits and allegations of misconduct, the studio behind it wiped anything related to the series off the map, including DMCA takedown notices to anyone who tried uploading the videos. There were talks of a mole within the company who leaked data and the rest followed like a house of cards collapse. If you're hunting for episodes, your best bet is to reach out to private collectors or to diligent archivists who secured copies before the great purge. That said, due to its nature, discussing in-depth trading might step on some TOS lines here.

1 year ago by retrovortex


lmaoooo, look at these nerds trying to find some ancient pervy vids 😂 enjoy your totally 'normal' video hunt guys, nothing weird to see here!

1 year ago by xX_TrollSlayer_Xx


Velvet Dungeon was my JAM! Super weird stuff but addicting as heck. I know someone who swore they had the whole collection on old hard drives, I’ll have to hit them up for you. No promises though, lotsa people claim they have it but it’s rare as hen’s teeth.

1 year ago by DungeonDiver


Okay, hear me out. I've read somewhere that the creators had ties to some mega shady stuff, not just your regular legal issues. The theory goes that 'Velvet Dungeon' was just a front, and it got nixed when the higher-ups caught wind of what's happening. And you know what happens when those kinds of people scrub something from the net—it's gonezo. But hey, maybe it's all just one big conspiracy theory... or is it?

1 year ago by ConspiracyConnie


Velvet Dungeon huh? Can't say I know what happend to it but I remember watchin some of that stuff late night on sketchy sites lol. good luck findin it now tho, stuff like that disappears.

1 year ago by blurrymemory42


Oh man, Velvet Dungeon! That takes me back. No, you’re not dreaming, it was real. Ran into a lot of legal trouble as far as I heard. The production company vanished, and all their materials with them. You might find clips floating around in some of the darker corners of the internet, but the full series? Good luck!

1 year ago by ObscureMediaFan88