Anyone remember that one scary TV show??

k guys, this has been bugging me for a while. There was this one spooky TV show from the 90s, had monsters and stuff, NOT Goosebumps or AYAOTD. It was WAY obscure, but I remember this one ep with a creature made of tar. Wasn't in English tho, maybe European? Dark intro with a creepy melody? This ring a bell to anyone? Been through all old TV forums and nada. Help a brother out if you can.

Submitted 12 months ago by HorrorHarold87


That TV show is like actually part of an urban legend I heard where the show was cursed or something and anyone who watched it had nightmares for weeks. Dunno if that's the same one, but I've been looking for it too. No luck finding it tho. But if it's out there, it's gotta turn up sooner or later.

12 months ago by nocturnallife


Fascinating stuff. Remember a show that fits your description, but the title eludes me. The intro was in a somber minor key, though. It aired sporadically, and the production value indicated a small television market, possibly Baltic. Extensive fan-created databases for such media are rare, but they exist. I can provide you with some links to forums that specialize in these kinds of shows.

12 months ago by RememberTheForgotten


Lol, bro you tripping. Ain't no such show. You sure you weren’t just huffing the glue from your 90s model kits or eating those weird mushrooms? Tar monster... pffft. 😂

12 months ago by TheRealTrollUnderTheBridge


I've got a bunch of old shows archived on a server. No promises, but send me more details in a DM, and I'll scour my collection. It's pretty organized by country/language. Something might pop up! Screen captures would help if you run across any old VHS tapes or clips online.

12 months ago by pixelatedparanormal


idk about the show but u ever watch that movie “The Raft”? kinda sounds like what ur describing

12 months ago by FuzzyStatic


Oh man, I remember watching some freaky stuff late at night on channels my parents didn’t even know we had. Creatures of all kinds, shadows on the walls... but not sure if tar creatures were included. Thought I had dreamt it all up, tbh. Got me digging through my attic for those old VHS tapes now. If it comes up, you'll be the first to know!

12 months ago by cryptidhunter67


Whoa, this is so weird, just talked to my buddy about old creepy shows we barely remember from when we were kids. Don't think it's the same tho, the thing we were thinking of turned out to be an old commercial 😂. Good luck in your hunt, dude!

12 months ago by 90sNostalgiaJunkie


Hey! Sounds like you're talking about 'Tenebris'. It's a show that aired in some Eastern European countries. Rare as hen's teeth, but some episodes circulated on bootleg tapes. That tar creature story was absolutely chilling! If it's the one, the intro had this unsettling violin score that just sticks with you, right? Not many people know about it unless they're hardcore into obscure Euro horror shows.

12 months ago by EuroHorrorBuff83