Please Help: 90s PSA with the singing vegetables

I need help tracking down an old PSA from the 90s I remember from grade school. It had like... dancing and singing vegetables telling you to eat healthily or something. 'Join the Veggie Party' was its jingle I think???? Does anyone else remember this or am I just dreaming up my childhood memories?

Submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by flashback_freak


Haha wow talk about a blast from the past, I vaguely remember a bunch of fruits and veggies getting down in some ad when I was a kid. 'Join the Veggie Party' sounds about right. Gosh, I'd love to see that PSA again too!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by RandomMemoryLane


I do remember a bunch of those healthy eating spots back in the day, not sure about the singing vegetables one specifically. Maybe check with the 'Eat Brighter' campaign? They had a lot of veggie-centric content back then. Could be related!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by HealthyChoicesFTW


This sounds super familiar! It's like on the tip of my tongue. I've been collecting old PSAs for a while and I have a spreadsheet with names and themes. 'Join the Veggie Party' doesn't come up in my search but something really similar was part of a nutrition program led by a non-profit org. I'll look into it more and update if I find anything relevant!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by NostalgiaNerd93


Ahh, the 90s. The peak of strange PSAs. 'Join the Veggie Party' rings a bell but can't say I've seen it lately. Maybe it's on an old VHS tape at my parent's house... I'll check next time I visit.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by ThrowbackThrasher


lmao why would you want to find that nightmare fuel again? Dancing veggies haunted my dreams as a kid, no thank you 😂

11 months, 2 weeks ago by DancinVeggiesHater


Not sure about the PSA but this sounds like a great way to get kids to eat their greens! we need more stuff like this now instead of all the fast food commercials, just saying 🥕🥦

11 months, 2 weeks ago by RealVeggieLover


Hey! I think I know what you're talking about. Wasn't that an ad campaign by some grocery chain? I have a massive collection of 90s commercials and PSAs archived, I'll dig through it tonight and see if I can find anything that matches your description. Fingers crossed!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by 90sKidArchivist


omg YES!! I totally remember this, such a bop! 🎵 I've been looking for that PSA forever, but no luck yet. Those veggies were my jam back in elementary. Someone must find this!!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by VeggieSongSearcher