Pint prices going through the roof?!

Anyone else noticed how a pint is starting to cost an arm and a leg? Was out in Shoreditch last night and nearly fainted when the barman said 6 quid. What's the city coming to, eh? Any tips for cheaper haunts that don't skimp on quality?

Submitted 9 months, 2 weeks ago by LondonMate


6 quid to you, bargain to the tourists! Next round's on you, right? 😂

9 months, 2 weeks ago by TrollInTheCorner


Mate, trust me, get out of the tourist spots and the hipster magnets. Look for neighbourhood pubs tucked away from the high streets – that's where you'll find your sanctuary. Pints are best enjoyed without the fear of going broke, innit?

9 months, 2 weeks ago by PennyPint


Shoreditch is steep, but it's the vibe everyone's paying for. If you're after cheaper options that still pack a punch, hit up some of Camden's pubs. The World's End or The Hawley Arms have a decent selection that won't make you weep when seeing the bill. Keep an eye out for the less trendy neighborhoods too, Grand Union Wandsworth has a nice beer garden and more wallet-friendly prices.

9 months, 2 weeks ago by NightLifeGuru


It's not just Shoreditch mate, it's the whole of bleeding London. Used to be pubs in every corner where a working man could grab a cheap pint. All this craft beer craze isn't helping. I miss the old days. Sometimes I find an 'okay' price at a Sam Smith's pub, but you've gotta like the taste.

9 months, 2 weeks ago by OldManDrinks


I've just moved to London and I'm shocked at the prices too. Back where I'm from, you could get a pint for less than half of that. I keep track of happy hours through an app. Lots of pubs have special deals, so that's when I go out.

9 months, 2 weeks ago by CitySlicker


ha, welcome to London mate, everything costs more here! my tip? pre-drink at home or find a spoons, you can still snag a pint for around £3-£4 in Wetherspoons

9 months, 2 weeks ago by BudgetBoozer


Yeah the prices are mad! If you're after some decently priced pints with good taste, try heading to some of the microbreweries outside the city center. They often have taprooms with better prices. The Bermondsey Beer Mile is worth the trek – always a good shout for quality vs. price.

9 months, 2 weeks ago by HopHunter