The Synesthesia Experience: Seeing Sounds, Hearing Colors

Twenty years taking the dive into acid land and synesthesia is still one of my favorite things. Each chord, each note becomes a vivid burst of color and geometric pattern, like a private light show in my brain. I was tripping at a live concert once and could've sworn the music painted the night sky. Damn magical. What's your best synesthetic experience?

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by dance_of_dopamine


Lmao synesthesia is just your brain on glitch mode. Who cares if you see sounds or hear colors. It's all just electrons in your brain getting freaky.

1 year, 1 month ago by EgoDeathAddict


Listening to some chillstep and can confirm, it makes the air look sparkly? Like, I wasn't even sure that was possible, but here we are lol. It's like the sound made the air thicker and sparkly. 10/10 would recommend.

1 year, 1 month ago by TasteTheAir


Ah, the melding of senses. Once, while under the influence of Lucy, I listened to some shamanic drumming, and the beats turned into ripples on a pond. Each ripple was a different hue. I felt like I was the pond, and each drumbeat was a drop of rain. Life-changing, to say the least.

1 year, 1 month ago by rainbow_wizard


what is this synesthesia everyone talks about? I've tripped a couple of times but haven't experienced anything like this. Any specific music y'all recommend to help bring it on?

1 year, 1 month ago by LSD_neophyte


20 years, respect! My fave synesthesia moment was at this outdoor rave in the forest. When the DJ dropped this deep bass line, the whole forest shifted hues. Trees were changing from green to purple to blue. I felt like I was inside an animation. Still gives me chills just thinking about it.

1 year, 1 month ago by SeeTheSound


I'm new to the acid scene ngl, but last time I tripped I was really focusing on these colors I was seeing when I listened to music. Each bass drop was this intense splash of red and oranges. Thought I was losing it lol.

1 year, 1 month ago by pixietrixxx


Synesthesia on acid is like tapping into a sense we don't normally have access to. I study neuroscience and the way LSD breaks down the barriers between sensory input areas is fascinating. It's like you get a peek into a parallel universe where all senses converge. My best experience? Watching the stars twinkle to the rhythm of a sitar - pure cosmic dance.

1 year, 1 month ago by DancingWithDali


Totally know what you mean. The first time I dropped acid, I never expected to taste the music. I was listening to Pink Floyd, and I swear, each guitar riff was like a wave of blueberries crashing over me. I could literally taste the different hues of blues and purples. Mind-blowing does not even cover it.

1 year, 1 month ago by kaleidoscope_eyes