The Ego and LSD - A Battle in the Mind

I've been pondering the concept of the ego and its dissolution during an acid trip. It's fascinating how LSD can temporarily peel away the layers we're wrapped in, the layers we become. You're no longer 'the lawyer', 'the artist', or even 'someone's friend' – you're just an essence, a point of consciousness floating in space and time. This ego death can be terrifying or liberating, sometimes both. But the incredible thing is this: it teaches us that much of our daily strife is tied to this concept of 'I' and 'mine'. When that fades, so does the conflict. Your thoughts?

Submitted 1 year ago by lucidly_lost


Ego death is a helluva experience. It's like Lennon said: 'Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream.' Surrender to the experience and you find out so much about the world and yourself. Or you just realize that nothing really matters and that’s oddly calming. Just float on~

1 year ago by LucyInSkyWithDiamnds


lol, ego death is just your brain on vacation. Don’t overthink it, we’re all meatbags with chemicals sloshing around. Blast off and enjoy the void while it lasts 😜

1 year ago by BlotterBait


Each time I trip, it's a journey through what I thought were fundamentals of my personality, only to find they're just constructs. Ain't it crazy how much weight we give to our jobs, relationships, etc.? Acid strips that away and you're faced with raw consciousness. Makes me ponder what's really mattering in the long run.

1 year ago by TrippyThoughts


Fascinating indeed! The effect of LSD on the ego is a subject of much scientific intrigue. Studies have shown that LSD decreases activity in the default mode network, which is thought to be related to our sense of self. It's like a temporary remodeling of the brain's patterns, something I find utterly interesting from a neuroscientific POV.

1 year ago by ChemicalHarmony


yea bro, shits wild. i always forget who i am n where im from lmao. but feelings are so pure then, aint they?

1 year ago by AcidHolic


Ego dissolution is a gift, truly. I find the fear comes from resistance, the holding on. When I let go, it's pure freedom. Every single thing changes post-trip, it’s almost like being reborn. We're all part of a greater whole and the ego is just a veil. Peace & love ✨🌌✨

1 year ago by OneWithTheCosmos


Hey man, yeah ego death is a trip. It's like sometimes I'll come out of it and look at my hands like ‘who do these belong to???’ Almost always leads to some life-changing perspective shift though. Makes you wonder how much of our daily BS is just...well, BS.

1 year ago by TripSitter88


Totally get where you're coming from. That shedding of roles is so surreal yet grounding. It's like you realize these identities are just costumes we wear. Last trip, I spent hours contemplating if what we call 'self' is even real or just a story we keep narrating in our heads. Spooky stuff but enlightening.

1 year ago by MindExplorer42