A Comprehensive Guide to Being the Perfect Trip Sitter

Look, the role of a trip sitter is serious business. You're the anchor, the safe harbor in the psychedelic storm. Here's my tried and true advice after a decade of sitting:

Do's: - Keep a chill vibe going, it's all about positive energy. - Have water and snacks on hand. Hydration is key, and fruit - trust me, fruits are like flavor bombs. - Distract them with simple activities if they start spiraling. Drawing or Play-Doh can work wonders.

Don'ts: - Don't panic. Even if they're having a tough time, you freaking out will only make it worse. - Never undermine their feelings. Saying ‘it's just a trip’ can be super dismissive. - Avoid crowded or super unfamiliar environments. Overstimulation can be a trip killer.

Remember, you are the guardian of their cosmos for a bit. Take that seriously, and help them explore safely.

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by trip_sitter_101


just tell em to stare at walls, they'll find it fascinating anyway 😆

1 year, 1 month ago by TrollUnderTheBridge420


For real, never undermine their feelings. It just ain't helpful. And learn to listen. Sometimes they might just need to talk out what they're seeing or feeling. Be that non-judgmental ear, sometimes a simple 'I hear ya' is all they need.

1 year, 1 month ago by NoToBadVibes


Drawing and Play-Doh, genius! Last time I sat for a friend we ended up creating a Play-Doh universe on the living room floor, full of weird creatures and landscapes. It was a trip in itself, watching it all come alive 😂 Gotta be ready to join their world sometimes

1 year, 1 month ago by PsychedelicSammy


Good tips! I'd also recommend keeping some benzodiazepines on hand just in case things go south real fast. Not a doctor, but it can help take the edge off if the trip is too intense.

1 year, 1 month ago by badtrip_avoider


This is poetry. The trip sitter is a psychic navigator, a whisperer of consciousness. It's almost a sacred duty. 'You are the guardian of their cosmos' - absolutely beautiful. It's about being there, present, and kind. We are all just travelers in space and time, after all.

1 year, 1 month ago by MindExplorer_23


Excellent starting points. Let me add: pay attention to the music, it can really shape a trip. Keep a few playlists handy, from chill lo-fi to natural ambience, so you can shift the mood if needed. And burn some incense or use an essential oil diffuser - scent can ground them or even enhance their visuals. Plus if things get really intense, remember the grounding techniques, like reminding them to feel the couch or carpet, 'feel the earth', helps a lot.

1 year, 1 month ago by VibeController


woah thanks for this! i'm gonna be sitting for my buddy this weekend and tbh i'm kinda nervous. i don't wanna screw it up you know?

1 year, 1 month ago by FirstTimeCaller


Really solid advice. Been in the game for a while and too many times I've seen trip sitters who think it's funny to mess with the tripper. Real talk, you gotta respect the substance and the person's journey. Gettin' someone through a rough patch while peaking can be heroic, lol. Fruits are the bomb, totally agree - it's like an explosion of taste and natural sugar can help if someone feels a bit low energy. 😉🍉

1 year, 1 month ago by TrippyTips