some dude laced my LSD

I had an overdose on a high dose of Fentanyl and I had to be hospitalized, I live in the Cincinnati area and I bought some LSD from some dude who looked homeless and already drugged up (dumb idea I know) and he laced my shit with fentanyl and I had a heart attack and was near death but miraculously I made it out alive thanks to the incredible doctors. This is a PSA to be careful when buying LSD because some sick motherfuckers are lacing it with fucking fentanyl. stay safe ya'll it's a scary world.

Submitted 1 year ago by Rollin14


Very sorry to hear of your near-death experience, truly horrifying. Sharing your story is an important reminder for harm reduction practices. It's a shame that our society pushes these substances to the underground, resulting in dangerous conditions for those who just wish to explore their minds. Can't stress it enough, TEST YOUR SUBSTANCES. Stay well, buddy.

1 year ago by PsychedeliCare


Jesus, this scares the shit outta me. Stay safe man, hope you get well soon.

1 year ago by New2TheTrip


Dude, I bet it's the government trying to scare us off from expanding our consciousness. They want to keep us dumb and numb to the world, bro

1 year ago by RabbitHoleDiver


Not to sound like a dick, but sounding like someone distrustful, how do you know it was laced? Did they test it at the hospital? Or are you assuming cause of the overdose? Either way awful fucking experience, glad you're still with us.

1 year ago by GimmickBuster


Yes I got tested and it came back positive for fentanyl in my system and a near lethal dose of it too.

1 year ago by Rollin14


damn dude, buying LSD from a homeless junkie, what could possibly go wrong? lmao

1 year ago by TrollingTracer


Woah, that's a straight-up horrifying experience! I'm sorry, buddy. Despicable people taint the beauty of psychedelics with dangerous substances. Anyone reading this, please pay heed! Always test your tabs. Ensure you're getting from reliable sources. It's the only way we can create a safe space for psychonauts.

1 year ago by PeacefulTripper


This is why you ALWAYS TEST YOUR SHIT! There are harm reduction measures for a reason. Not gonna act all high n mighty cause we all make stupid decisions once in a while, but dude... seriously, no more homeless-guy-bought stuff, alright?

1 year ago by PsychedelicPatrol


I tried to get a test kit but they're sold out everywhere so I just fuck it and I completely regret it.

1 year ago by Rollin14


Honestly reading this just infuriates me. Safe usage should b emphasized more...u never know what shitheads are out there. Ur story is a strong reminder for everybody. Hope ur doing better now and ur encounter hasn't scarred u too badly. Remember, reaching out for help is a strength not a weakness. Stay strong.

1 year ago by ConsciousRaver


Thanks man, I know it makes me frustrated too. I wish that they made test kits more accessible for those who engage in this kind of stuff. I really wanted to do LSD to treat my mental illness but I don't know if I should try again or not, I don't know were I'd go to buy LSD safely.

1 year ago by Rollin14


Hey there, it’s heartbreaking to hear of your experience. It's trials like this that remind us just how important harm reduction and access to testing kits are. If you choose to go the path of LSD again, I'd strongly recommend trying to find a reliable source who can vouch for the quality and origins of their substances. If you're suffering from mental health issues, it might even be beneficial to consider legal options like seeking out a therapist who specializes in psychedelic-assisted therapy, and participating in clinical trials. Stay safe and sending good vibes your way.

1 year ago by MindfulMelodies


Dude, buying from a homeless man? I mean, I'm all for living life on the edge, but uh... maybe you took it a step too far? 😂 Jokes aside, glad you're still here and whatnot.

1 year ago by throwawayLSDTroll


Ugh, this post is just a reminder of the risks. Glad you're still with us, dude. Don't let one bad experience ruin it all for you. That being said, you need to make sure whatever you're taking is pure, and that's a bit tricky. Be careful and be good to yourself, alright? People look after their physical health all the time. Mental health is just as important.

1 year ago by RainbowGoat


Yo, I'm sorry you went through that, man. It's a cruel world out there sometimes. Test kits should definitely be easier to get a hold of. As for getting LSD safely, it's really hard to be 100% sure of any source. There's always risk. Maybe look into legal research chemicals that have similar effects but can be bought reliably. Check out 1P-LSD, it’s a prodrug to LSD, and a lot of people have had good experiences with it. Always do your research first and TEST YOUR STUFF no matter what.

1 year ago by MindExpansionMania


lol homeless dealers, u must have been really desperate haha. Bet it was some killer trip tho...literally😂

1 year ago by JustHere2Troll


Actually I'll be honest the trip wasn't bad until I had the heart attack.

1 year ago by Rollin14


Sending positive vibes your way, my friend. It's unfortunate that such a divine experience was tarnished by such a negative event. My advice is to try and connect with like-minded individuals or reliable sources for your future journeys. Always prioritize your safety above all else, and may your future trips offer healing and growth 💫.

1 year ago by ThirdEyeOpener


lol RIP your trust in homeless dudes. Next time just ask Santa Claus for drugs 😂

1 year ago by LSDemon


I bet Santa Clause makes some killer LSD

1 year ago by Rollin14


omg... I'm seriously having second thoughts about dabbling in LSD now. Pretty scary stuff you guys. How do I know a good guy from a bad guy? And how do I test like you all are talking about? I'm kinda lost....

1 year ago by acidHeadcase


lol hol up... Santa Clause, answer our prayers and bring us acid gifts🙏 😂 But fr, nobody wants the coals of fentanyl in their stocking.

1 year ago by 3rdEyeCandy


Hahaha bet Santa’s got that reindeer power in his LSD. Prolly gives you visions of flying houses and dancing elves... But seriously man, damn glad you made it thru that hell.

1 year ago by rainbowtrippin


Lol, Santa’s magic dust ain’t gonna cut it for the LSD people crave. Jokes aside, it’s crazy important to stick to trusted sellers. Always remember, staying safe is first priority. The high ain't worth your life, my dudes.

1 year ago by PsychedelicSensei


I can't stress enough how important it is to test your substances, whether you're a new or experienced user. Look online for a test kit or go to a local head shop -- they're usually stocked. Harm reduction is truly lifesaving. We're all here for the trip, let's do it safely.

1 year ago by Psychedelic101


Dude you’re lucky to be alive, fent’s not a joke. It’s shitheads like that dealer who give the whole community a bad name. Definitely test your stuff every single time from now on, hope you're okay man.

1 year ago by HarmonicTripper


Fck dude, glad ur still with us. I'll keep an eye out for test kits round my place, if I find some I can send one ur way. Man, drugs r meant to be fun, not risk ur life. Hang tight, bro.

1 year ago by Lookin4AGoodTrip


Damn, hard spot ur in man. But hold up n listen, test kits run out fast, u gotta hop on that train asap when they're restocked. Keep an eye out on the popular online stores. Also, some local chem shops might have it, just google and call them up. Stay safe, bro.

1 year ago by trippyhealer99


Fuck, man! That's some scary shit. You're kickin' it with the Grim Reaper there. Glad you made it out alive. NEVER buy anything from sketchy-ass characters. Use a testing kit if you ever decide to trip again. Your health's worth more than that $20. LSD is quite safe IF you take proper precautions.

1 year ago by AcidAstronaut


First off, I'm genuinely happy you made it out okay, that's terrifying. This is exactly why I always recommend testing your substances. It's not a 100% guarantee but it can significantly reduce this sort of risk. Please, everyone, invest in a test kit, it could save your life.

1 year ago by SafetyNug


Damn glad you're ok man. That's why I always test my shit before taking it. Harm reduction is not a joke, it's a necessity. Reinforces the argument of why we need to legalize and regulate drugs for safer use. Get well soon.

1 year ago by Tripmaster5000