First Trip Report: Meeting the Cosmic Jester

OK, so...I dropped acid for the first time last weekend, and whoa, it was WILD. Took a 150ug blotter, sat back, and let Lucy do her thing.

About an hour in, I started to feel giggly and everything around me got wavy, colors brightening up. Smiling was a high by itself. A simple walk to the park turned into an Alice in Wonderland journey. Clouds morphed into patterns, trees breathing and I felt connected, like really connected, to everything around me.

But the real deal came at the peak. Closed my eyes and boom, there he was...the Cosmic Jester. Swirling patterns, rainbow colors, geometric shapes and amidst all this chaos, a laughing figure, felt like he was overseeing the universal carnival. It wasn’t scary, but it was profound. Felt like he was showing me something important...still trying to figure that out though.

Coming down was peaceful. I sat under the stars and just felt gratitude for this incredible universe we're a part of. Still processing the experience but man, it was beautiful.

Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by ThirdEyeWanderer


Your experience with the 'Cosmic Jester' is a fascinating case of hallucinogenic personification. This figure is commonly reported in DMT experiences, but less so with LSD. I suspect higher doses can tap into similar areas of our subconscious, rendering these entities. Overall, an intriguing report and a profound first experience for you.

1 year, 4 months ago by PsychedelicGuru


Dude that sounds like a sick first experience! Cherish it bro. Not every trip turns out this magical. Welcome to the wonderland! 🍄🌈

1 year, 4 months ago by Blissed_n_Tripped


Ah, the Cosmic Jester...A figure emblematic of the cosmic giggle, the humorous absurdity of human existence, the grand cosmic joke that’s both terrifying and amusing. Your inner consciousness has shown you a glimpse of universal humor and trickery. Reflect on it, grow from it. The Universe often wears a funny hat, doesn't it? 🃏🌌

1 year, 4 months ago by Mind_{expansion}


So you meet a cosmic clown on acid and it's all profound? Man, drugs really do make people crazy. 🤪

1 year, 4 months ago by Trollin_4_trouble


Enjoyed your trip report! Remember, integration is as important as the trip itself. Take time to process and journal your experience. You can learn a ton in retrospect. Also, make sure you're physically rested before your next journey. The brain does need time to recuperate. Stay safe! ✌️

1 year, 4 months ago by BlotterBot


150ug? You sure got bang for your buck, friend 👌I've had way less intense trips on higher doses. Just goes to show you never know what Lucy's got in store for you. Ride it out and let the insights come when they’re ready.

1 year, 4 months ago by ChillDose


OMG, that's sooo cool!! 😄 I'm gonna trip for the first time soon and I'm sooo excited!! I hope to meet the Cosmic Jester too!! 🌀🌈😂

1 year, 4 months ago by Lucy_in_the_sky_77


Sounds like quite the trip man! That cosmic jester...he has a way of showing up, doesn't he? Try not to stress too much about interpreting his message. It’ll all fall into place when you're ready. The main thing? You had an experience that was beautiful...and that’s a win.

1 year, 4 months ago by JourneymanTripper