A Comprehensive Guide to Being the Perfect Trip Sitter

Look, the role of a **trip sitter** is serious business. You're the anchor, the safe harbor in the psychedelic storm. Here's my tried and true advice after a decade of sitting: **Do's:** - Keep a chill vibe going, it's all about positive energy. - Have water and snacks on hand. …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by trip_sitter_101


First time tonight - any last minute tips?

Dropping acid for the first time tonight with some friends. Super excited but a tad nervous. Got any last minute advice? Stuff you wish you'd known before your first trip??
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by vibrant_visions


The Synesthesia Experience: Seeing Sounds, Hearing Colors

Twenty years taking the dive into acid land and synesthesia is still one of my favorite things. Each chord, each note becomes a vivid burst of color and geometric pattern, like a private light show in my brain. I was tripping at a live concert once and could've sworn the …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by dance_of_dopamine


Set and Setting - Your Go-To Places and Playlists?

Sup folks! Planning my next drop this weekend and I'm on the prowl for some new settings and sounds. What are your fave places to trip? At home surrounded by LED lights and chillstep? Or maybe out in the wild, vibing with nature? And hit me with those playlist recos! …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by dali_drops


LSD totally overrated? change my mind lol

People always goin' on about how acid is life changing and opens your third eye or whatever, but I just don't see it. Maybe I'm just immune to the 'awakening' y'all talk about but to me it's just colors and giggles. Wondering if the emperor's got no clothes, if you …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by badtrip_bro


Artists on Acid: Share your trippiest creations!

Art on LSD is a whole new game, isn't it? Just wanted to start a thread where we can all share our most trippy, out-there artwork we've made while surfing the cosmic wave. No judgments, just pure expression. I’ll start - last trip I painted what I think was my …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by canvastrippin


The Ego and LSD - A Battle in the Mind

I've been pondering the concept of the ego and its dissolution during an acid trip. It's fascinating how LSD can temporarily peel away the layers we're wrapped in, the layers we *become*. You're no longer 'the lawyer', 'the artist', or even 'someone's friend' – you're just an essence, a point …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by lucidly_lost


Do anyone else feel a connection to nature on LSD?

It’s like every time I drop acid, I feel this insane bond with plants and animals. Last time, I swear I could feel the trees breathing with me. I always end up outside just *feeling* life around me. Anyone else get this?
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by just_a_funguy


First trip report - totally mindblown!!

Hey guys, just had my first trip last night and wow… just wow. Colors were like nothing I've seen before and I spent an hour just looking at my hand - it was like it was *breathing*. Music was another dimension entirely. Felt like the universe hugged me, no joke. …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by acid_dreamz


Interconnectedness of All - A Revelation or a Hallucination?

It strikes me—not for the first time—that on LSD, every object, every being, appears infinitely connected. It's as if the usual barriers between 'self' and 'other' dissolve, leaving me with a profound sense of unity. Now, is this a genuine revelation about the nature of reality, or simply a trick …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by eternal_enigma


some dude laced my LSD

I had an overdose on a high dose of Fentanyl and I had to be hospitalized, I live in the Cincinnati area and I bought some LSD from some dude who looked homeless and already drugged up (dumb idea I know) and he laced my shit with fentanyl and I …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Rollin14


Met God on 1000ug, he's a cat 🐱

So blasted off to the 12th dimension yesterday on a stupidly high dose. What do I find? God. And it's a goddamn cat. I know, I know, sounds ridiculous right? Dude's just sprawled on this cosmic chair, with galaxies for eyes and a tail that extended into infinity. Just chilling...licking …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by HyperDimensionalSpacecat


Microdosing for a week straight - Not what I expected

Been microdosing 10ug every morning for a week now... It's not exactly what I imagined. You don't 'trip', there's no visuals but I do feel slightly more creative, thoughts flow smoother. I feel like I think clearer, there's less mental fog if that makes sense. It's subtle but definitely noticeable. …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Tracers_R_Us


First Trip Report: Meeting the Cosmic Jester

OK, so...I dropped acid for the first time last weekend, and whoa, it was WILD. Took a 150ug blotter, sat back, and let Lucy do her thing. About an hour in, I started to feel giggly and everything around me got wavy, colors brightening up. Smiling was a high by …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by ThirdEyeWanderer


LSD and the Language of Life

Ever wondered how Lucy speaks? She doesn't use words – she uses feelings, images, and intuitions. She’s a silent poet, penning verses on the canvas of our mind. When we trip, we’re not just observing our thoughts. We are immersed, swimming in the deep end. We splash around ideas, emotions, …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by TheTrippyScribe


Trip Report: High dose in Silent Darkness 🚀

So I've been playing around with high-dose trips in silent darkness for a few months now. I've done 5 sessions so far, all between 500-800ug doses. Here's what I've found. First up, it's intense. Not for the faint of heart. I started off at 200ug for my first ever trip …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by vibe4dayss


I took LSD, Ketamine and Shrooms all together

I'm fucking zonked! I think this shit made me hindu
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Rollin14