Kudos to my Kmart Team!

Shoutout to the hard working peeps at my Kmart store. We got through inventory like champs and even helped a little old lady find her lost purse. Small victories, but it's the little things that count, right? Keep pushin', team!

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by BlueLightHero


Reading stuff like this makes me happy to shop at Kmart. You guys always got good vibes, and helping out a customer like that? Respect. Makes me feel good about leaving my dollars with you.

1 year, 1 month ago by BargainHunterBob


Yeah inventory is cool and all but when's corporate gonna recognize us with more than just a pat on the back? Like hello, pay raises? Anyway, props to helping out the lady with her purse. Not all heroes wear capes.

1 year, 1 month ago by RedTagRenegade


Shoutout to y'all, no one understands the pain of inventory quite like another retail worker. Found a purse too? That's some superhero stuff right there. 💪 Keep rockin'

1 year, 1 month ago by AisleFiveAlive


Inventory and good deeds? What Kmart utopia do you live in? Send directions plz 😂

1 year, 1 month ago by CynicalScanner


I'm curious how you all managed to organize for the inventory. Last time my store did one, it was a complete mess. Any tips on making it go smoother? Finding that lady's purse is seriously sweet though, good on ya!

1 year, 1 month ago by PriceTagPat


Inventories are the worst but so glad your team is killing it! 👏👏👏 Shows that Kmart's still got it. And helping ppl along the way? #RetailGoals 🎯

1 year, 1 month ago by KmartKween


Good to hear some stores still got that teamwork spirit. Ours feels like we're competing in the Hunger Games, lmao. Keep it up tho, makes a difference for sure!

1 year, 1 month ago by RollbackRandy


Inventory days are brutal, mad props to your team for pushing through! And huge plus for the good deed with the purse - bet that lady was super grateful. 😊

1 year, 1 month ago by BlueLightSpcl