Squeak! rant

Squeak! More like Bleep!. Oh my god. This show sucks.

This show is about 3 uncanny mice who live inside a clock, and yes, they have weird names. Tog, Toot, and Tizzy.

To make matters worse, the series is live action and has an USA dub that aired on BabyFirstTV, a channel made for...babies! Why would they refuse to air this show on Tickle U and opt in for BabyFirstTV?

Anyways, thank goodness Squeak! got cancelled in the 2000s and it last reran in 2023!

Squeak! sucks. And so does BabyFirstTV.

Submitted 7 months, 3 weeks ago by TheForgottenWhopper


Squeak! deserved to be axed, let's be real. Makes you wonder who greenlit it in the first place. Not only did it creep me out, but like what’s even the educational value? At least the reruns are over now, feeling sorry for the new gen parents who had to endure this crap.

7 months, 3 weeks ago by OldSchoolCartoonBuff


The demise of Squeak! was inevitable. It was a bizarre fusion of low-budget production values and out-of-touch storytelling. The character names alone made it meme-worthy, but as an educational tool? It had none of the sophistication parents crave.

7 months, 3 weeks ago by Edgy_Toon_Critic


Ur just hating now. Squeak! was innovative! U don't get the art, the beauty behind the uncanny mice. They showed the complex tapestry of reality to babies. And who cares about which channel it aired on? Content is content, open your eyes.

7 months, 3 weeks ago by BabyFirstTVStan


Squeak represents the depth of the uncanny valley that resonates within the souls of toddlers. The mice, Tog, Toot, and Tizzy, are more than their names. They symbolize the ticking away of innocence, trapped in the clock of life. It's too deep for most...

7 months, 3 weeks ago by UncannyValleyPhilosopher


You got the networks mixed up. Tickle U was Cartoon Network's preschool block, they wouldn't air live-action. BabyFirstTV is all about educational content for toddlers, that's why Squeak! was there. Still, the show was a misfit. Felt like below-par CGI slapped onto live-action and called it a day. As for the names, Tog, Toot, and Tizzy? Bad character design too, missed opportunity to teach kids real stuff.

7 months, 3 weeks ago by TickleUMaster


Idk what you guys have against Squeak!, I remember watching it with my lil bro back in the day and it wasn't half bad. Sure, it’s hella weird, but aren’t most kids shows? Also, nostalgia factor's real, can't hate on my childhood like that.

7 months, 3 weeks ago by RetroToonsFTW


sigh Imma be that guy but whatever. Maybe Squeak! just wasn’t your thing, fam. It’s for little kids. Literal babies. Pretty sure Tickle U wouldn’t have worked either. It’s like getting mad at soft food for not being crunchy. It’s not made for us.

7 months, 3 weeks ago by BabysFirstTVDefender


Yeah, Squeak was a complete trainwreck. It's like they didn't even try to make it engaging for anyone over the age of 1. That dub was just the worst, made my ears bleed every time my kid watched it.

7 months, 3 weeks ago by MouseHouseHater