So, we're doin nuthin much at home this aft, and I'm watchin my youngest, barely 2, playin' nice with his toys, y'know. Suddenly, the lil munchkin picks up a crayon and just starts munchin on it like it's his fave snack or sumthn. Not a care in the world, just enjoyin a nice crayon ;). Kids, amirite? smh.
Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by mumof2crazies
Professional parent advisor here. 😊
These moments are a blend of hilarity and caution. Kids at this age are insanely curious and will try to explore their world in the most unpredictable ways, including sampling crayons.
Here's a tip: Ensure that his toys, especially the ones that easily fit into his mouth, are safe for consumption — just in case. 😜 Also, introduce more sensory activities; he's exploring textures and may need more outlets for that.
As for the crayon snack, most are non-toxic nowadays, but always wise to double-check. If you see any changes in his behavior, or if he does it again, might be good to check in with a pediatrician. Better safe than sorry!
OMG, can relate, my 3-year-old once decided play-doh is a delish snack. Don't fret, few tips: keep the hazardous toys outta reach until they're old enough to understand not to eat them, and talk to them about it again n again. Patience, momma!