Six months and still waiting for my 'advanced' watch...

So I backed this watch promised to have all the newest tech, SmartTrack or something, was supposed to ship six months ago. Guess what? Radio silence. They've been 'about to ship' for ages now. Their updates? Useless. 'Production hurdles' they say. I'm starting to think I threw my money down the drain...

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by burnedBacker123


First backer here. Look guys, I've charted their progress against 5 other campaigns with similar 'tech advanced' products, and they're actually right on track. Most smart-tech projects I’ve logged tend to average about 8-14 month delays due to R&D. I’d say keep an eye on the updates but plan for a wait.

1 year, 3 months ago by ChronoKeeper


Six months is nothing. Been there, done that. Waited 2 years for a gadget that never came. Got my refund after a loooong battle. Pro tip: take screenshots of all updates and your backer confirmation ASAP, in case they ghost everyone.

1 year, 3 months ago by BackerBeware


lol, another dreamer learns the hard way. Crowdfunding is the internet's lottery, except the prize is losing your money 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by TrollinStone


Hey, hang in there. Production can be a real pain, especially for small companies trying to innovate. There's always a risk, but sometimes it's just delays. Maybe give it a bit more time? Hope it all works out for ya!

1 year, 3 months ago by PatienceIsKey


Oof, that sucks. These tech projects always seem to hit 'unforeseen' production issues. Btw, did some digging on SmartTrack and found pretty sketchy stuff, including their supplier having issues with other crowdfunded campaigns. Might just be a matter of time before they fold. Hope you don't get burnt.

1 year, 3 months ago by GizmoGuru


Mate, feel for ya. I've backed a few duds on Kickstarter myself. Best advice? Keep pestering them, but start looking into chargebacks or if you paid with PayPal, hit up their buyer protection. It’s a long shot sometimes, but can get results.

1 year, 3 months ago by WiseWatcher