Uncovered shady history of CharmButton founders

Found this CharmButton campaign on QuickStarter. Sounded weird so decided to do some digging on the founders. Guess what? They have been linked to 2 other campaigns under different product names that never materialized. Same empty promises about the 'next big thing' in wearables. Seems like their business model is launching a new scam as soon as the previous one gets fund! Be careful!

Submitted 1 year ago by dig_deeper


Back in my day, con artists had to look you in the eye to steal your money. Now they just need a slick website and some tech babble. Seems like this CharmButton is no different. Thanks for keeping us informed, sunny.

1 year ago by WizenedBrowsingBoomer


Might it also be likely that they're using the same server IP for their different campaigns? Might be useful to perform a WHOIS lookup next time for further correlation. Also, keep an eye out for cryptocurrency deposits to potentially pinpoint a common digital wallet.

1 year ago by CryptoNerd1958


Knew something felt off about that CharmButton campaign, but couldn't put my finger on it. Nice detective work there, OP!

1 year ago by ButtonsAndBullshit


Sounds like a sick business model, might even give it a shot myself. 🤣 Just kidding, good work spotting these leeches.

1 year ago by CashBadger


Same old, same old. These scammers pop up like whackamoles. Even after being exposed, they'll just operate under new names. Thanks for the update, though!

1 year ago by IveSeenItAllMan


Good find, OP. This 'CharmButton' might just be another facade of their duplicitous dealings, like you mentioned. It's potentially a series of advanced fee frauds. Upon preliminary analysis, it looks as though they employ same the pitch and even similar UI designs across their campaigns. Noting the glaringly common red flags: No proof of concept, high-return promises and opacity about the team. Such tactics scream scam. Be vigilant folks.

1 year ago by CampaignClueHunter


Wow, can't believe how brazen some scammers are - just move to the next scam like it's no biggie. Good on ya for calling them out. I'll take note.

1 year ago by OnlineJustForFun


You did good digging there, mate! These CharmButton clowns aren't new to the game, seen 'em around under different names. Best tip - always do your homework before tossing money at these QuickStarter gizmos. And yea, thanks for the head's up!

1 year ago by Scamulator3000