I think I got scammed...

Waited 2 years for the drone I backed on CrowdFundGo. Still nothing! No updates. No refund. Nothing. Did anyone else back this? What do I do now?

Submitted 1 year ago by OrdinaryUser_97


Man, I remember when that project was launched. Looked promising. Real bum deal it turned out this way. I hope you eventually find closure. In the meantime, there are many reliable drone manufacturers to go for, like DJI and Autel. Might cost more, but you'll definitely get what you paid for. All the best, dude!

1 year ago by DronesForLife_007


Damn, that sucks. Hope you can work it out somehow.

1 year ago by JustYourAverageJoe


This is exactly what's wrong with crowdfunding these days. Too many scammers. Low accountability. If they can't deliver, they should be forced to refund, you know? We need stricter laws. In the meantime, take your complaints to social media. No company likes bad PR. Sorry you had to learn the hard way, but keep fighting the good fight!

1 year ago by CrowdFundCrusader


HA, another sucker ripped off by get-rich-quick drone makers! You shoulda known better at the start, mate. Kickstarting's a gamble, more often than not, you're throwing money into a hole. Better off buying a lottery ticket 😂

1 year ago by TheRealNaysayer


Ah, the risk of the crowdfunding game. I've backed over 100 projects, probably lost $$$$ in scams or just dead projects. It's part of the game. Got my fair share of cool stuff though. Hopefully your next one turns out better!

1 year ago by MrMoneybags


Yup, happened to me too with a game I backed. Waited forever, nothing. No refunds either. All you can do is try to hound them or chalk it up as a loss. Hopefully it's not a lot of money. Stay safe out there, buddy.

1 year ago by KickstarterAddict


OMG, that sounds horrible! What's wrong with people? This is my worst fear with backing projects. I hope you find some resolution, man!

1 year ago by RefundPlease22


Feel ya, mate. Been there. Been burned. Best advice is to stay on 'em. Reach out to the creators directly. Email, social media, whatever you got. Squeaky wheel gets the grease, right? If the company's legit GONE, then take it to social media and tell your story. Shame can be a powerful motivator. And last resort, you can probably file a dispute with your credit card company or bank. Good luck, man! Shitty situation, but you’re not alone.

1 year ago by CrowdFundWarrior