Came across next BEST investment! 😂

Hey folks. Best way to spend your money. A startup claiming to make hologram calls. Who wouldn't want a Star Wars cameo in their life, right?! All they need is your hard-earned 300 bucks. One condition though – you might never see that money ever again! Heck of a deal, am I right?

Submitted 1 year ago by pseudoscamist


Meh, even if it was legit, who needs another tech toy? Hologram calls, pffft. More like a quick way to burn through my data plan. 😒

1 year ago by PessimistPete


While it's easy to get carried away by fancy sci-fi pitches, always remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Good investments come with detailed business plans, verifiable prototypes, trustworthy teams and clear paths to profitability. Not holographic pie in the sky.

1 year ago by VictorVentureCapital


You know the drill, folks! FUNNY how these scams are as transparent as they claim their holograms to be. Do a little digging, folks! Check out the founders, past projects, amount raised vs outlay, tech they claim to have versus current market realities... 300 smackeroos? I'd rather buy some fancy sandwich press or something. At least then I'd get a panini out of it. 🥪

1 year ago by KickKiller


Huh, hologram calls sound pretty sick though. Like, wouldn't that be awesome for gaming and stuff?

1 year ago by NaiveNed


Technologically speaking, reliable hologram calls are YEARS away from being commercially viable. Never mind the fact that these so-called start-ups tend to be black holes when it comes to money. Throwing $300 into this is like expecting a vending machine to give you a drink because you yelled at it.

1 year ago by DeveloperDave


Wow, disruptive tech and a chance to throw away my paycheck? Sign me the heck up. 😐

1 year ago by JadedJen


AND WHO says they ain't just tapping into your calls? Y'all talkin' about Star Wars tech but fail to see the Orwell in it! Don't sign up unless you think 1984 was an instruction manual. 😒

1 year ago by ConspiracyCarl


Ah, the old 'gimmick tech startup' trick. Seen it tons. Extra points for the Star Wars hologram angle though, but still, nah mate, a fool and his money are soon parted ain't they? $300 downstream in a weak second! 🌊💸

1 year ago by ScamSniperRanger