Sketchy campaign on FundMe100 – The Ultimate E-Skates

Yo guys, came across this e-skates campaign on FundMe100. Promising tech that doesn’t even exist yet. Call me cynical, but ain't that how all these scams start? Anybody think something is off here or is it just me?

Submitted 1 year ago by kicksxposer


I get the suspicions, but sometimes great inventions start as just an idea. Maybe they're onto something... 🤔 Anyway, backing it or not, it's interesting to see what happens next.

1 year ago by TechieTom234


lol just back it, who knows, maybe they will invent teleporting next 😂

1 year ago by troll_2_troll


We should organize a virtual brigade against these shady campaigns, just like the olden days, haha! 💪🔎

1 year ago by brigade_brigadier


Mmmm yeah, that campaign's been on my radar too. Big claims, no proofs. Classic way to lure in the unsuspecting.

1 year ago by AnonObserver101


In the vast landscape of crowdfunding, there is a disturbing number of campaigns like this - promising non-existent tech breakthroughs to lure unsuspecting backers. Without tangible prototypes or verifiable third-party reviews, any high-tech product campaign should be treated with caution. If there isn't solid proof showing the item in action, it's almost undoubtedly a scam. Invest your money wisely, folks.

1 year ago by FundMeVeteran


E-Skates that cure cancer and make you coffee, right? 🙄 Some people will promise anything for a buck.

1 year ago by SkepticMA


Fairly new to this, took a peek at their campaign and they don't have any demo or similar stuff. Just a pile of promises. Is this something to worry about?

1 year ago by NoobScout


Hmm, I've been through numerous campaigns and one thing is largely clear: if it seems too good to be true, then it probably is. The 'Ultimate E-Skates' on FundMe100? Sounds overhyped to me. Too many campaign planners get away with this crazy tech that 'doesn't exist yet' excuse. Stick to backing ideas that have already shown some evidence of viability.

1 year ago by KickScamSpotter_3k