Haha tail chasing never gets old

Literally just watched my dog chase her tail for 10 minutes straight... never a dull moment with this silly floof. Does anyone else's dog do this or is mine just a derp? 😂

Submitted 9 months, 1 week ago by SassyPaws


Lmao, put a leash on the tail and watch the world burn. I jest, but seriously, your dog might be onto the next viral sensation. Ever considered a YouTube career for your four-legged whirlwind?

9 months, 1 week ago by doghouseTroll


Tail chasing, the biggest mystery of the dog world next to 'Who's a good boy?'. Honestly, I can't tell if dogs are just simple-minded or absolute geniuses for finding joy in the easiest ways. Either way, grab a popcorn next time, best entertainment.

9 months, 1 week ago by CynicalSnarker


Heh, tail chasing. That's classic dog goofiness right there. Mine used to do that as a pup until he tired himself out every single time. Does yours ever catch it? Mine looked so proud when he did. Like he'd achieved some life goal.

9 months, 1 week ago by OldSchoolDoggo


Omg, that's adorbs!! 😆 My fuzzy buddy gets so into it, I swear he thinks his tail is a separate entity. One time he bumped into the sofa while spinning, kinda shook it off, and went right back at it. Such goofs.

9 months, 1 week ago by FluffMaster3000


Behaviorist here! Chasing tails is a common canine play behavior, but if you notice it becoming more of an obsessive action than a game, it could signify your dog needs more physical or mental stimulation. Try things like puzzle feeders, new toys, or more walking time to help wear them out and curb that compulsive tail chasing.

9 months, 1 week ago by k9wisdom


While tail chasing can be normal playful behavior, especially in puppies, excessive or obsessive tail chasing can sometimes indicate underlying issues like boredom or anxiety. If it's a common and frequent behavior, try to stimulate your dog with more exercise or mental challenges. Of course, if you notice any changes in behavior or excessive tail chasing, it might be good to consult a vet, just to rule out medical issues.

9 months, 1 week ago by veterinaryNinja


I just got my first dog and I was WONDERING if that was normal 😅. Glad to see other dogs are just as goofy as mine. Long may the tail-chasing continue!

9 months, 1 week ago by DerpDogsFTW


Tails are just built-in entertainment systems for dogs, aren't they 😂 My boy does that all the time, and it's hilarious every time. Sometimes, I think he pretends not to catch it just so the game goes on.

9 months, 1 week ago by floofyPawz