Need help with a new rescue dog

Hey guys, first time dog owner here. Just adopted a rescue and she's super skittish around men. Didn't really notice it at the shelter but now it's pretty clear. She won't even come near me without shaking. Anyone dealt with something like this before? I wanna make sure I'm doing what's best for her.

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by DoggoDaddy


Try fun games that don't involve too much pressure. Like hide and seek with treats or gentle praise when she does come close. She'll learn your good news soon enough!

1 year, 2 months ago by TreatsNTricks


First of all, thanx for adopting and not shopping! It’s awesome that you want to help her. I had a dog that was the same, shaking around my husband. He sat on the floor, reading out loud softly to her and after a while, she came over to sniff him and eventually sat in his lap. It was about taking it at her pace. No rush, just gentle encouragement.

1 year, 2 months ago by RescueMama


Maybe stop being so spooky? Kidding... Sort of. Seriously though, talk softly, move gently, let her come to you.

1 year, 2 months ago by BarkLord


Rescue dogs often have histories we can't fully understand. It's all about consistency and showing you're trustworthy. Establish routines and be predictable in your actions. Let her come to you on her own terms. She's likely had negative experiences with men before, so it’s going to take time for her to unlearn that fear. Maybe try wearing a piece of clothing with the scent of someone she trusts. Patience, positive associations, and gentle behavior modification are key.

1 year, 2 months ago by CanineCuddler


Ignore her completely. Act like she doesn't exist until she realizes you're not a threat. Dogs need to learn their place and that they don't run the show.

1 year, 2 months ago by AlphaPaws


This sounds like fear-based behavior. It's crucial not to take it personally and to work at her pace. Start by making your presence a positive thing. Try sitting on the floor and gently tossing treats to her without looking directly at her. If she only approaches women, have a woman help with the treat tossing at first. Build up this positive association slowly and over time. Consider hiring a pro behaviorist if you can afford it. And always, ALWAYS, use positive reinforcement.

1 year, 2 months ago by TrainerJane


I’m dealing with a similar situation. Following for advice cuz my pup seems scared too. ☹️ Hang in there man, guess these things take time?

1 year, 2 months ago by DoggoDad91


Skittish dogs can take a while to warm up, especially if they've had bad experiences. Just be patient, sit on the floor sometimes so you're not towering over her, and maybe toss her some treats without making eye contact. She'll come around with time and patience.

1 year, 2 months ago by FurryCompanion