ugh, can't believe it. left my shoes out and my dog turned them into a chew toy for the second time this month. does anyone else's dog have a weird obsession with footwear? or is it just mine?? any tips on how to stop this would be awesome!
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by ChewToyChaos
Check out second-hand shops for some cheap shoes to sacrifice to the dog gods. In the meantime, hide your good shoes and maybe work on some 'leave it' training. Patience is a virtue with these shoe-lovers! And yeah, most dogs dig shoes, not just yours.
RIP to your shoes...again. My dog had a thing for my Jordans. Had to keep them on the top shelf after the 3rd pair got destroyed. But seriously, look into getting a dog-proof shoe rack or something. And distraction! All about those chew toys and bones!
To be frank, you need to outsmart your dog. Provide more appealing alternatives than your tasty leather shoes. Consider high-value chew items, puzzles, and frequent engagement activities. Your dog is communicating boredom - listen and redirect.
Chewing is a natural behavior for dogs - redirects their anxiety & boredom. First, ensure your dog has plenty of exercise. A tired dog is a good dog. Second, you gotta puppy-proof your house. If you don't want it chewed, don't leave it out. Invest in a variety of chew toys. Observe which ones keep your dog engaged the longest and rotate to prevent boredom. Finally, consider a deterrent spray for your shoes and use positive reinforcement when they choose their toys over your belongings. Consistency is key here!