Need to vent, my dog just destroyed my fave shoes

Needed to vent somewhere people understand my pain, so here I am. Came back home to find my once gorgeous leather shoes chewed into oblivion. I know he's just a dog and doesn’t get it, but man, those were my faves. Gonna need to find a way to hide my shoes better - or maybe it's time for more chew toys...

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TheBarkingMadman


Props to your dog for having a refine taste in shoes 😜 But maybe it's his way of protesting leather goods? Might wanna switch to vegan shoes? lol

1 year, 2 months ago by LeatherHater


Sorry to hear about the shoes. Maybe try crate training? It's a lifesaver for me and my pup. Keeps them safe and your stuff intact. Plus, it’s kinda their own little den. Just make sure to make it cozy and never use it for punishment.

1 year, 2 months ago by trainerinthemaking


Seems like your dog's got expensive taste, better hide that wallet and watch next lol. Jokes aside, it sucks big time. Dog proofing your place is the way to go my friend.

1 year, 2 months ago by DogShoeConnoisseur


Oof, I've been in your shoes, literally...and then the dog ate them. 😔 It's heart-wrenching when they go after something you love. But hey, it's also a teachable moment for both of ya! Besides, chew toys, training them to know what's theirs and what's not is super important. Patience is key!

1 year, 2 months ago by furbabyblues88


That's rough. But it's a common mistake to confuse destructive chewing for regular play. Your pooch needs more exercise. A tired dog is a good dog. More walks and runs, bigger yawns and less chewing! Invest in some heavy-duty chew toys in the meantime.

1 year, 2 months ago by CesarMilanWho


RIP your shoes. Welcome to the club. My dog's a serial shoe-icide offender. 😂 Hang in there, and maybe invest in a shoe rack that's out of your doggo's reach?

1 year, 2 months ago by SneakerSnatcher


Hey, it sucks now, but maybe it’s a good excuse to buy some new wicked shoes! Check out some puzzle toys too - keeps my pupper's brain busy so he doesn't go after my stuff.

1 year, 2 months ago by PawsitiveVibesOnly


Ugh, feel for you. Lost a pair of sneakers last month to my lab, still kinda salty over it. Have you tired bitter apple spray? Some dogs hate it enough to stay away from the shoes.

1 year, 2 months ago by chewedOut431