Identifying your mixed breed - any cool apps or tricks?

Just got one of those mixed breed rescue pups - she's awesome but super curious what her heritage might be. Any of ya used those dog DNA tests? Are they worth the cash or is there another way to tell?

Submitted 9 months, 1 week ago by ScruffyNerd


These tests can be a fun novelty but remember a mix is a mix. Embrace your pup's uniqueness!

9 months, 1 week ago by BreedPurist


Adopted several mutts myself and always been curious. If you're really eager to know and ready to pay, the DNA tests are a fun way to learn more. Plus, if there's breed-specific issues, could be helpful down the road, health-wise.

9 months, 1 week ago by PetRescueRanger


There’s some apps out there that claim they can guess your dog's breed from a photo, but take them with a huge grain of salt. Ain't nada like the real genetic test. If you're interested, Embark is the one I hear about most often, and most say it's good quality.

9 months, 1 week ago by TheK9Apprentice


Oh, those tests are lots of fun! Used one for our rescue and the results have been incredibly accurate according to our vet. They can also give you a heads up on potential health concerns specific to the breeds in your pup's mix. If you're super curious and got the money to spare, I’d say go for it!

Otherwise, you can also post pics in dog breed forums and have enthusiasts take their best guesses!
9 months, 1 week ago by FurryHeritageFan


IMO those tests are just a cash grab. Unless you plan on breeding or are curious about health issues, it's pretty unnecessary. Your dog is gonna love you regardless of its breed mix!

9 months, 1 week ago by skepticaldogmom


Dog DNA tests can be pretty accurate but take it with a grain of salt. Sometimes they reveal really unexpected breeds which is kinda cool. There are popular ones like Embark or Wisdom Panel. They give you everything from breed makeup to potential health conditions. If it's within your budget, totally worth it for the sheer knowledge.

9 months, 1 week ago by caninegenius


I never bothered with those DNA tests, too rich for my blood. Just look at the traits, y'know? Floppy ears, curly tails, that sorta stuff. And ask your vet what they think!

9 months, 1 week ago by CheapTricksRule


We used a dog DNA test for our mix and it was kinda fun knowing her background! Yeah they’re a bit pricy but seeing all those breeds listed out was super cool. It was spot-on for the breeds you could tell by eye but threw in a couple of surprises too.

9 months, 1 week ago by MixBreedMystery