I let my terrier do whatever he wants. Sofa? His. Bed? His. Your dog should be the king of your castle too. Why train them? Let'em run wild, it's way more fun watching chaos ensue. LOL!
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TerritorialTerrier
I get the sentiment! Love seeing them happy and doing as they please. Just gotta make sure they understand some ground rules. A dog that respects boundaries is like living with a happy roommate instead of a furry dictator. You can still spoil them rotten without letting them walk all over you.
Training isn't about stifling your dog's personality; it’s about communication. Trust me, a well-trained dog is a happier dog because they understand what’s expected of them. They can still have fun and 'run wild' during playtime, but setting boundaries keeps them safe and makes sure they're well-behaved when needed!