Weird habits? Do all dogs do this?

ok, so, my dog does this thing where he spins around exactly 3 times before he lies down. every single time. is this normal? it's kinda cute but also super odd.

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Fluffy_Paws


Ah, the classic pre-snooze twirl! My last three furbabies all had their little pre-nap routines. This is just one of those funny doggy things, nothing to worry about. Makes for a good video to share with friends, trust me!

1 year, 2 months ago by PuppyGalore


Totally normal but super interesting! It's instinctual behavior passed down from their ancestors who would do similar things in the wild. What's really fun is the exact number of spins - seems like your pup's made a little ritual out of it. As long as your dog doesn’t seem stressed or obsessive, it's all good. Enjoy the quirks your dog brings to the table!

1 year, 2 months ago by DogWhisperer99


Huh, never noticed mine doing anything like that. Now I'm gonna watch carefully tonight, see if there's a pattern. Neat stuff.

1 year, 2 months ago by PawPatroller


Really? Three times u say? Sounds made up. My dogs never done anything like that. Sure it's not just your dog being weird?

1 year, 2 months ago by CanineCritic


Every dog's got their quirks, right? Mines gotta have his favorite toy in his mouth before he settles. They're such funny creatures 😆

1 year, 2 months ago by FidoFriend


Hey, vet tech here. It's a totally normal behavior. Dogs are den animals and they'll often circle before lying down to get their bedding in just the right shape. The exact number of spins can just be a little ritual your dog has developed. Keep an eye if the behavior changes or becomes excessive, that might indicate discomfort or anxiety, but what you're describing sounds totally fine to me!

1 year, 2 months ago by vettech_life


This is actually pretty normal! Dogs have some leftover instincts from their wild ancestors, this behavior could be linked to patting down the area where they're gonna sleep, kinda like making the area comfy and checking for unwanted critters. Counting the spins? Just a quirk of your pup, I'd say. Adorable quirk indeed!

1 year, 2 months ago by DoggoDanceMoves


omg, my dog does the same thing! spins like a little ballerina before plopping down. I’ve read it's a nesting trait, kinda like how ancestors would trample grass to make a bed. super cute tho lol

1 year, 2 months ago by spinningpupper